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Talk of the Town: Dynasties – Our spreading cancer
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Talk of the Town: Dynasties – Our spreading cancer


Comments on “Dynasties: Our spreading cancer,” (No Free Lunch by Cielito F. Habito, 8/13/2024) via

Sadly, this cancer growing in the country’s body politic is not caused by any toxic substance or natural course of events but by the Filipinos themselves. Dynasties didn’t come out of the woodwork by themselves. The Filipinos willingly and with eyes wide open put them there—they voted to put the dynastic names into power.

Jorge Villanueva


Cancer if checked and monitored and detected in early stages is preventable and curable. The Filipino dynasty is metastatic at the point of infection.

we the


Political dynasties will be the end of this country. While they are in charge nothing is being done to stamp out corruption … in fact, I would say it is the largest growing industry here. Along with the Banking Secrecy Act (which no political dynasty wants to end) they are slowly tightening the noose around this country’s neck!!



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That 80 percent of lawmakers that are from political families/dynasties was in 2019. There must be more of them now, nearing 100 percent. But what is worse is that they are all corrupt, liars and cheaters—causing misgovernance and poverty/inequality. Worst, it’s terminal and there is no cure. Neither the Constitution nor revolution!


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