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‘You taught me that there is strength in what I saw as my weakness’


Dearest Lolo Orly, Nana, Daddy Ponce and Lola Alice,

Thank you, Lolo Orly, for teaching me discipline and kindness. You taught me to be considerate of others while also considering myself. You told me that before making a decision, I should think about how it will impact the people I love. You saw me for who I am and taught me that there is strength in what I saw as my weakness. I miss our Sunday lunches. I miss our walks around the mall. I miss talking to you once a month.

Thank you, Nana, for being the heart of the home. You taught me to finish my food, and that there is always room for dessert. You taught me to be appreciative of even the smallest things that people do for me. You and Lolo Orly would share our family tree and remember our relatives before us. I remember you taking us to Shoppersville to pick our favorite cereals that came with free toys, games, collectibles or school supplies. I miss your spaghetti and tuna sandwich. I miss napping on the floor of your bedroom with my cousins.

Thank you, Daddy Ponce, for always inviting us to dance with you after dinner. You were fun to be around and had us taste beer at an early age. I miss our breakfast trips to McDonald’s with my cousins in your green Volkswagen Beetle. You were the life of the party. You made sure we were all having a good time. You brought us to Vegas when we were young, just us cousins. We had an amazing time. I miss your humor and having adventures with you.

Thank you, Lola Alice, for your love and creativity. You were always finding use for things considered junk. You made houses out of wood, bricks, windows, doors and whatnot from old buildings and churches. You were always up early sweeping the garage. You led by example and hard work. You showed compassion and took care of people beyond your blood. You always had family in mind. I miss going to Isla with everyone. I enjoyed your rice trains with condensed milk. You used to feed your grandchildren by hand while we were in a line. You took care of everyone.

Thank you, Lolo Orly, Nana, Daddy Ponce and Lola Alice. Being around you shaped the person I am today. Your love for family came first. You saw to it that we, your grandchildren, were happy and fed while sharing food for thought. Your actions were beyond you and it was reflected by the people you have touched. You are loved. You are respected. You are missed. At times I wish I could talk to you again. I will move forward with the values you shared. Thank you for being my grandparents. I love you.


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Visual artist Gabriel Joseph “Diko” Saldaña Tiongson is the grandson of Ponciano Bautista Saldaña, Alicia Tayag Saldaña, Orlando Crisostomo Tiongson and his last surviving grandparent, Cecilia del Valle Tiongson.

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