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Taking on the “Morizo” mantle
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Taking on the “Morizo” mantle


Another round of the Toyota Gazoo Racing Vios Cup is upon us as Leg 2 of this exciting motorsports event is just around the corner. Aside from seeing our favorite racers coming out swinging and hustling it out on the Clark International Speedway in Pampanga, another notable figure worth seeing action out there on the track is none other than Toyota Motor Philippines head honcho, Masando Hashimoto. Hashimoto-san or ‘Masa’ will again grab the wheel of the Toyota Vios and slug it out against other rivals in the Novice division of the Circuit Championship this upcoming September 28.

“That was a GRipping and GRoundbreaking way to start the 10th season of the Toyota Gazoo Racing Philippine Cup,” said Masa in a statement just right after capping his final laps during Leg 1 just a few months ago.

“I started off in the Novice Category and after an intentional pause, I reflected that I still have a lot to learn,” he continued after finishing sixth in his division.

“Even then, I’m pleased that I still beat my personal record with 2 minutes and 36 seconds,” shared the first-time circuit grid racer.

Racers as mentors

Among the TMP presidents that have run the Vios Cup since its inception 10 years ago, only Michinobu Sugata, TMP’s six-year-term president and Hashimoto-san have taken the ‘racing’ mantle.

Sugata who took the helm as president of Toyota Motor Thailand in 2017 was also Masa’s boss back then as he became senior division coordinator the year prior. And, as we all know, the Vios Cup is likewise big in the Land of the White Elephants.

“When I was in Thailand, I was influenced by him,” he shared in one of his conversations with the media and the racers.

Moreover; the Vios Cup was the brainchild of Sugata-san here in the Philippines.

Eager to race behind the wheel of the race-ready Toyota Vios

In fact, in a farewell speech back in 2016, Sugata said, “It has truly been a Waku Doki experience for all of us, with the heart-thumping adrenaline rush the Vios Cup has given the racers and the spectators alike.”

“Yes, this is my baby that I’m leaving you here, and so please take care of it. I believe that motorsports in this country will soon shift to higher gears,” he then added.

Indeed, top executives of TMP who led the company after him ‘took care’ of his ‘baby’, most especially now Hashimoto-san, who swore him the moon and the stars by likewise suiting himself up and racing.

Furthermore, Sugata was not the only prominent figure who influenced Masa in taking up the ‘racing’ mantle.

From 2021 to 2022, prior to his assignment here in the Philippines, Hashimoto-san was the business secretary of Toyota Motor Corporation chairman, Akio Toyoda–yes, ‘Morizo’, ‘The Master Driver’, himself.

Masa, is not only the ‘youngest’ TMP President, but perhaps also the ‘fittest.’

According to Masa, he worked under him for two years and, for him, it was such a ‘big assignment’.

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“I learned a lot from him and I am deeply honored,” shared Masa.

“The fun to drive spirit remains ablaze with Chairman Akio Toyoda at the helm, inspiring racing fans around the world!”

His youth as strength

The 46-year-old Japanese executive is the youngest president to have ever worked as president of TMP.

“I am young and I am going to use this as my strength,” he said as he not only races at the Vios Cup, but is also an avid triathlete who actively swims, bikes and runs.

As of the meantime, it is said that he has been rigorously practicing both on the track with the car and off it by using a simulator–hence, we look forward to this TMP top honcho to come out with guns blazing.

“I expect an even GReater and GRander race in September,” he said.

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