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Money corrupts
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Money corrupts


Whenever I see the incorrupt bodies of saints, I can’t help but think of and pray for people who are still living, and are already corrupt.


Today’s Gospel (Mk 10:17-30) cautions us not to be corrupted by money and worldly possessions. The lure of worldly pleasures, wealth, and power is the single biggest block to true discipleship and service. There are many people who start right, but end up corrupted by money, power, fame, and popularity, not only as individuals, but as a family, and passing it on to their next generations.


In the process of acquiring money, may we not lose our value, our health, our relationships, our God, and our very souls. Reminder: “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” (Mark 8:36-38).


Money can make us happy, but it can also make us miserable; money can give us comfort and freedom, but it can also become our master and prison. Money can make life convenient and easy, but the pursuit of money, the love of money can make life miserable, uneasy, and unhappy. Are you going through life so engrossed in your search for the things that money can buy and have forgotten the things that money cannot buy?


Papa and Mama told us when we were young to pray, to be good, and to study hard, but I don’t remember them telling us to be rich and wealthy. That’s the way they lived, and that is the way they brought us up. They passed on to us not much material wealth, but lasting treasures and meaningful values.


Use things, love people. Today, there are many who just love things and use people. I have seen so many people who have hands that are full but hearts that are empty, simply because they hurt and belittle people. In other words, they choose money over love, over relationships, even over God.


Use money and worldly blessings for your Salvation! People who hurt or cheat others to acquire money will have a lot of explaining to God. Also, those who do not share their money and power with the many people suffering around them will also have a lot of explaining to do in the end.


Don’t be a “mayaman” (rich person) that is “swapang at mayabang” (selfish and proud)! Remember, money is like salt water. The more you drink it, the more thirsty you become. And please don’t flaunt your money to those who have not much or nothing in this life. What for? May no one feel so small or less fortunate when they encounter you.


Think about this: “God will never leave you empty. He will replace everything you lost. If He asks you to put something down, it’s because He wants you to pick up something greater.” And remember, “When God raises your standard of living, choose to raise also your standard of giving.”


Christmas is just around the bend. Please prepare to share, dispose and let go of your “excess baggage,” and give “until it hurts.” When we come before the Lord, may we have hands that are empty because we have shared it all, and may we have hearts that are full because we have tried to love God and shared with others, to the full.


See Also

Our God is a generous god. May we too become more generous and more giving with our time, talent, and treasures. At the end of our lives may we come before the Lord and be able to say: Lord, I did my best to love You, too, somehow and I did my best to love others, too, in the best way I can.


October is the month of the rosary. Please take note that one of the best gifts we can give to people is to pray for them. Let us pray for one another. Intercessory prayer, prayer offered for others. It is a prayer that is pleasing to God. Pray. Pray on. Pray pa more! Let’s pray for each other!


Oct. 15 is the feast of St. Theresa of Avila. Sharing with you her beautiful prayer to remind us to be strong, and not to be stressed or rattled as we journey on this wounded world of ours—“Nada te turbe”: Let nothing disturb you; Let nothing frighten you; Everything is passing; Only God does not change; He who has God has everything; Let nothing disturb you; “Nada te turbe …”


A moment with the Lord:

Lord, may we not be corrupted, nor be enslaved by money. Amen.


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