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Subtle art of knowing when
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Subtle art of knowing when


Timing is an unspoken but ever-present force that shapes our lives in profound ways. Whether it’s deciding when to make a career move, recognizing the right moment to start a relationship, or simply knowing when to take a step back, timing often guides our paths.

In life, good timing can make all the difference, while poorly judged timing can lead to frustration or missed opportunities. Understanding and respecting the role of timing can be key to living a life of purpose, patience, and fulfillment. It is more than waiting for the right moment; it’s an active process of recognizing the rhythms of life, tuning into opportunities, and making the most of each moment.

Ironically, I didn’t understand the concept of timing before.

When I was a child, I wanted everything I desired immediately. Whether it was a toy, food, or some activity I’d set my heart on, the idea of waiting felt almost absurd. I wanted instant results, and I believed that if I wanted something, there was no reason I shouldn’t have it right away. I was young and impulsive, unaware of the intricacies of timing and the lessons it could teach. When my parents would tell me “sa tamang panahon” (in the right time), I thought it was nothing more than an excuse for postponing what I wanted.

As a child, I equated fulfillment with immediacy. I believed that life should work like a vending machine: you put in a request, and instantly, you get what you want. My parents, of course, saw this impatience and tried to teach me about the importance of waiting, but I always felt they didn’t understand. My young mind clung to the belief that there was no such thing as a right or wrong time—only the present and my wish to fill it. As I grew older, however, life started to reveal itself in ways that forced me to reconsider.

Timing taught me to accept delays with grace. This is the very lesson I have come to learn after experiencing my first setback.

In 2022, I was editor in chief of our school publication. We were eyeing to join the Division Schools Press Conference for 2023. I had poured my heart into the preparation, envisioning the event as a culmination of years of dedication to school press conferences. We worked hard, rallied our team, and did everything in our power to prepare, and yet, despite all our efforts, we didn’t make it.

I was devastated, utterly and completely. That disappointment took root in me in a way I hadn’t experienced before. I shut myself off from others, feeling like a failure, unable to understand why our hard work had seemingly amounted to nothing. In my frustration and sorrow, I found myself in prayer, asking God, “What went wrong, Father? Why now, when we worked so hard?” I wrestled with this question for weeks, feeling lost and defeated.

Only recently did I begin to understand that perhaps that moment wasn’t the right time for us to compete. Last month, we secured our slot for the Division Schools Press Conference in 2024. I see now that God was answering my question all along, but in ways I couldn’t understand at the time. He was teaching me through experience, showing me that setbacks are often steps in disguise. Each obstacle we faced had prepared us, honing our skills and sharpening our resolve. From building a stronger editorial team to improving our articles, meeting strict deadlines, and mastering the nuances of layout design, we were put through a series of challenges that fortified us for the competition to come.

One night, as I looked over the newspapers we had created—each one a testament to our growth—I realized that we hadn’t been ready for that contest last year. Even if we had been able to join, we would have gone in unprepared, lacking the depth of skill and understanding we have now. That extra year was a gift, allowing us to mature, learn, and cultivate the qualities we needed to succeed.

It felt like waves hit me at that moment. Was this the right timing they were telling me about? Timing, I realized, is sometimes the invisible hand that holds us back when we’re not ready, pushing us to evolve before we can move forward.

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This experience taught me to accept delays with grace, an invaluable lesson that has shifted how I approach life. Now, I understand that timing is not an obstacle, but a guide, sometimes blocking our path, other times opening doors we didn’t know existed. I have come to realize that life doesn’t always give us what we want when we want it, but often when we are truly prepared to handle it.

In a sense, timing is life’s way of guiding us toward fulfillment. It is the rhythm that connects our ambitions to reality, our growth to opportunity, our desires to purpose. Now, when I hear “sa tamang panahon,” I don’t dismiss it as an excuse. Instead, I recognize it as a reminder to trust the journey, to let life unfold in its own way and time.


Khaylie C. Catama, 15, is a passionate writer and student, currently serving as editor in chief of their school publication, Ang Tugatog.


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