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Why I read tarot
Dark Light

Why I read tarot


No, I am not a witch. While I wish I was one, I only consider myself a person who is in tune with the divine.

I grew up in a strict Catholic family, which has now converted to Born Again Christianity. When I was young, my then-Catholic family liked taking trips to Manaoag or the Divine Mercy in Marilao. I didn’t enjoy those trips. I usually just slept inside the van we rented.

Now that I’m older, a literal split happened within my family. My mom as well as my aunt who lives in the United States became Born Again Christians. My other aunt, whom I used to idolize, is a hardcore Catholic.

And then there’s me, the esoteric spiritual person who likes reading tarot and oracle cards.

Does my family accept that I’m like this? I think deep down, my mom is still hoping that I would see the “light” and turn away from my tarot reading practice. It’s not that my mom discriminates against me, it’s just that she is devoted to Christianity, and that she has surrendered her life to Jesus Christ.

I believe in Jesus Christ, too, but I also believe in archetypes, and the power of the universe. I believe in a higher being, but I don’t want that higher being to dictate what my life should be. I need their guidance, sure, but I still want to be the captain of my destiny.

I love reading tarot because it allows me to see the shadow parts of myself. A friend of mine told me that tarot is like Waze. It’s only a guide, and nothing is set in stone. For me, at least, it doesn’t predict the future. It only provides a screenshot of what the future could be.

What I truly love about tarot is that it allows me to express myself and make sense of my tangled thoughts. It gives me a signal of what I should do when faced with particular circumstances and challenges.

It also allows me to connect with other people better. I give tarot readings to friends for free, and this energy exchange is my way of bonding with them. I like providing moral and emotional support to friends. Reading tarot is my way of showing my friends that I love them.

Unfortunately, tarot is still antagonized in a country such as ours, especially because the Philippines is a predominantly Catholic/Christian country. Any other form of spiritual practice will be judged and eyed as a work of the evil one.

I would never want to hurt anyone with my tarot practice. If there’s such a thing as positive tarot, that would probably be my method. As much as possible, although I tell the truth as it is, I provide advice to the seeker and give them hope to hold on to. That yes, circumstances might be challenging for them, but there is hope when we have faith that things are going to be all right.

So far, the theme of my year is Three of Swords and the Star. The Three of Swords represents heartbreak and pain, and it is very accurate because I’m still grieving over a five-year relationship that recently ended.

The Star, on the other hand, is a card of blind faith and hope. It reminds me so much of Paramore’s song, “Last Hope.” It goes something like, “It’s just a spark, but it’s enough to keep me going. And when it’s dark out and no one’s around, it keeps glowing.” That is what the Star is for me. It’s the light at the end of the dark tunnel.

See Also

I want to be hopeful for the coming days. That despite the heartaches and troubles of the recent weeks, there is something to hope for. That despite every challenging situation, I can come out on top and be the kind of person I would be proud of.

I want to become my own favorite person, but I also want to be part of a community. I want my 2025 to be spent on things that I find interesting. I want to live doing the things that I love—including tarot—and not regret anything in the end.

The tarot provides endless possibilities. It’s also a mirror to the soul. Whatever your heart desires, the tarot can see right through it. It just shows you the energy you exude. If you’re stuck and depressed, the tarot can see that and show you the Eight of Swords. If you’re happy and optimistic, it can show you the Sun card. Whichever cards appear, you have to trust that the universe has your back, even if it does not owe us anything.

Self-growth, self-expression, self-love—all these things are important in forming identities. These are things that the tarot will help guide in. If you have a question about your career, your love life, or your life in general, the tarot can provide answers. You just have to be ready to accept them and work on taking action.


Alyssa Danielle Navarro, 27, is a content writer from Pulilan, Bulacan. She lives with her family and their six dogs.

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