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Estrada wants internet safety taught to students
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Estrada wants internet safety taught to students


A Senate bill seeking to include internet safety education in the curriculum of elementary and high school students to protect them from online dangers has been filed by Senate President Pro Tempore Jinggoy Estrada.

In Senate Bill No. 2934, or the Internet Safety Protection Act, Estrada said that while the Internet poses advantages, it also has perils and threats like “invasion of privacy, identity theft, cyberbullying, cybercrime, online sexual abuse and exploitation, fake news and internet addiction.”

Under the proposed bill, the Department of Education will be tasked with identifying, developing and implementing an Internet Safety Education Program, which includes educational technology, multimedia applications and lesson plans.

It will focus on safe usage and increase awareness on the dangers associated with social media apps, text messaging, instant messaging, websites, blogs, emails and mobile devices.

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It will also highlight the significance of educating students about privacy protection, identifying fake news, avoiding cyberbullying and recognizing online predators.

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