Be open to conversion

Way back in 1991, my brother Manong Oscar was the secretary of transportation and telecommunication. In a jest, I was often introduced then as Father Jerry, secretary of transfiguration and communion.
In today’s Gospel (Lk 9:28b-36) we hear about the transfiguration of Jesus before Peter, James, and John, manifesting His glory, and His person with a voice that said: “This is my beloved Son, listen to Him.” This mountain top religious experience of the disciples led them to a deeper conversion which changed their lives from there on.
We all, too, should be open to transfiguration and conversion at any point of our lives. Let us not be cynical about God. He never gives up on us. Again and again, He reaches out to us. And don’t forget: God is a God of surprises, a God of second chances, and unending chances.
Trials and problems are “contact points” that can deeply connect us with God. When we are humbled, when we are disturbed, when we are uprooted, God is transforming and transfiguring us to come closer to His Heart. “If today you hear His voice, harden not your heart.” (Psalm 95:7-8)
Clean and green is often associated with Mother Nature. But how about your soul? Is it clean, and is it still alive, and growing? Let us be open to simple “transfiguration moments,” and not stagnate in our filth, our selfishness, and greed.
“Change my heart, Oh God!” (Psalm 51:10) Let this be our constant and humble prayer. At any point of our lives, we still have so much to learn about true humanity and true loving.
Transfiguration is now, not in some great yesterdays, or in some promised tomorrows. One day at a time, simple and little adjustments, one extra mile, one extra smile, as time goes by.
“Every king was once a crying baby; every great building was once a sketch and a drawing, for life is not about who you were yesterday, or who you will be tomorrow, but who you are and what you make of yourself today.” (ctto)
“Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner; I need You in my life, my God!” Unless and until, we can sincerely pray this prayer from our heart, we can never really begin our real journey to God’s heart. The key to conversion and transfiguration is humility, humility, humility.
One of the best prayer experiences is just to be quiet, with head bowed, and allow yourself to be embraced by God, as you are, whoever you are, whatever you have been, whatever is in your heart. What a wonderful feeling just to be embraced, to be assured, to be forgiven, to be loved. Stay in the embrace, picture God is smiling at you, and listen to God whispering to you “I am with you. I love you.” Transfiguration moment, now.
“Wash yourselves clean! Put away your misdeeds before my eyes; cease doing evil, learn to do good.” (Isaiah 1:16) This is a clear and an urgent message to the people during the time of Isaiah. This is a clear and an urgent message to us, to our country, and to our people, in this our present day and time. The Lord is speaking, are we listening?
God catches up with us. Sooner or later, no matter how we deny, postpone, or belittle our “transfiguration moments” with Him, even the mighty and the proud, will come before Him crying like a child, and still will be received with mercy, compassion, and love.
Goodbye, Maribi “canzmate” Mapa-Garcia. Mission accomplished, at the age of 71. She battled cancer with so much courage, faith, and joy. Maribi was a beautiful soul, that reached out to so many people, sharing her love for the Lord and the Blessed Mother. She lived not just a successful and a comfortable life, but a life that is full of God, sharing and witnessing to God’s goodness and love. The Subic Holy Land is her legacy, a place where many transfiguration and conversion moments happen and will still happen long after she has gone. Till we meet again, Maribi. Pray for us, as we pray for you, too, as we journey on to God’s heart.
March 19 is the Feast of St. Joseph, father and protector, as we journey through life. St. Joseph, Patron of Departing souls, pray for us when we leave this world, and bring us straight to God’s heart. Amen.
A moment with the Lord:
Lord, help us to be truly open to conversion and change. Amen.