Now Reading
Gospel: March 16, 2025
Dark Light

Gospel: March 16, 2025


March 16, 2025 (Sunday)

2nd Sunday of Lent

Psalter: Week 2 / (Violet)

Ps 27:1, 7-8, 8-9, 13-14

The Lord is my light and my salvation.

1st Reading: Genesis 15:5-12, 17-18

2nd Reading: Philippians 3:17—4:1 (or Philippians 3:20—4:1)

Gospel: Luke 9:28b-36

About eight days after Jesus had said all this, he took Peter, John and James, and went up the mountain to pray. And while he was praying, the aspect of his face was changed, and his clothing became dazzling white. Two men were talking with Jesus: Moses and Elijah. Appearing in the glory of heaven, Moses and Elijah spoke to Jesus about his departure from this life, which was to take place in Jerusalem. Peter and his companions had fallen asleep; but they awoke suddenly, and they saw his glory and the two men standing with him. As Moses and Elijah were about to leave, Peter not knowing what to say said to Jesus, “Master, how good it is for us to be here! Let us make three tents, one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah.” And no sooner had he spoken, then a cloud appeared and covered them; and the disciples were afraid as they entered the cloud. Then these words came from the cloud, “This is my Son, my Beloved, listen to him.” And after the voice had spoken, Jesus was there alone. The disciples kept this to themselves at the time, telling no one of anything they had seen.

Lectio Divina:

“The light of God shining through the darkness”

Read: God reveals his wonderful power at night as he receives Abraham’s sacrifice in a blaze of flame and light. Jesus reveals his divinity to his closest disciples on the mountain, where his face shines with the glory of God and his clothes become dazzlingly white.

See Also

Reflect: God mostly communicates to us in whispers and in small signs. Yet, at times we are struck by a clear message that gives us strength to carry on or gives us a sense of what God wants of us. This might not be as dramatic as the Transfiguration or Abraham’s sacrifice, but in our doubt or grief or confusion we see the light of God shining through the darkness. These experiences often come in prayer, just like Abraham or the disciples on the mountain. Abraham was reassured by the experience to trust God’s promise. The disciples are strengthened for the scandal of the cross. We, too, are strengthened by God in prayer and through life experiences to trust him and to serve him.

Pray: If you are in a dark place, ask for God’s light to break through. If you need confirmation of your vocation or your plans, ask for strength and guidance.

Act: Act as God’s instrument, so that through your actions his light may shine for others to see.

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