Comelec asked to disqualify Richard Gomez

Reelectionist Leyte Rep. Richard Gomez is facing a disqualification case in the Commission on Elections (Comelec) for claiming that “massive cheating” will occur in Palompon town on Election Day.
“The malicious and false contents propagated by the respondent contained false and alarming reports or information relating to the general conduct of the election and other specific matters for the purpose of disrupting or obstructing the election process or causing confusion among the voters,” Palompon mayoral bet Ramon Oñate said in a 25-page petition filed on Monday.
Oñate accused Gomez of posting on his official Facebook post on March 6 a video of the “Krusada sa Radyo” program of John Kevin Pilapil that was originally uploaded on the Facebook page of dyRG 101.5 FM Blue Radio.
The complainant said Pilapil made “false and alarming reports” about the May 12 elections, including a claim that 30 individuals set to serve as electoral board members “have direct family connections to candidates running for councilor, mayor and other government positions in Palompon, Leyte.”