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Renovating your portfolio: Unlocking new opportunities with real estate
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Renovating your portfolio: Unlocking new opportunities with real estate

Andoy Beltran

Owning a property is certainly on every Filipino’s bucket list.


(First of two parts)

For many Filipinos, embracing a “New Year, New Me” mindset can extend beyond personal goals to include financial well-being.

One avenue that holds great potential for building wealth is investing. In this article, we’ll explore the unique opportunities and benefits that investing can offer to dynamic, forward-thinking Filipinos.

Understanding the power of investing

Saving is one thing. Investing is another. But they are both important in order for us to build a sound financial core.

When you save, though, don’t expect a substantial amount of returns. That is why when you save, you only save for what we call an emergency fund. This should ideally be worth six to 12 times your average monthly spend and which you can tap into in times of, well, emergencies.

It’s only after building an ample emergency fund that it will be ideal for you to start investing. And contrary to popular belief, you don’t need a huge amount of capital for you to invest in stocks, bonds, funds and even real estate investment trusts (REITs) here in the Philippines.

In fact, FirstMetroSec, the investment supermarket arm of the Metrobank Group, ushers in 2024 with a minimum investment requirement even made more affordable. You may start your new year right by opening your own FirstMetroSec online investment account for as little as P1,000!

All you need to do is to download the “FirstMetroSec GO” mobile app (available on Google Play and the App Store for free) and use the ‘INQUIRER’ code for you to avail of the promo.

One step at a time

Start small, dream big. Save for your emergency fund. Regularly invest for your growth fund. These are necessary steps to take in order for you to start ticking items off of your bucket list.

While it is quite understandable that real estate might be far from our reach because of its price tag, diligently saving and investing will help us get there one step at a time, one payday at a time.

And this is why patience, discipline and consistency are important for Filipinos to succeed in investing.

This is also something made possible by FirstMetroSec by allowing Filipinos to program their investments by way of automation with the help of their ‘Voluntary Investment Program’ or VIP. This allows FirstMetroSec accountholders to program which day of the month, and choose which stock or fund to invest in for as little as P1,500 a month.

Turning your dream home into reality

Owning a property is certainly on every Filipino’s bucket list.

But what most of us don’t realize is that on top of being able to provide us shelter and protection, real estate has long been considered a stable and lucrative investment option. Unlike volatile markets, real estate often appreciates over time, providing a reliable source of wealth.

See Also

In the Philippines, a growing economy and increasing urbanization make real estate an attractive asset class for investment simply because the more Filipinos there are, the higher the demand for more living spaces, which then results in higher property prices.

Riding the wave of economic growth

The Philippines has consistently demonstrated strong economic growth in recent years. As the country continues to develop, real estate values are expected to rise, presenting young investors with the opportunity to ride the wave of prosperity.

While 2024 is still expected to face a lot of challenges and uncertainties, we are slowly seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

(To be continued)

The author (CIS, CSR, CTP, CUSP and CFMP) has 18 years of experience as an entrepreneur, real estate investor, stock broker, financial literacy advocate, educator and a public speaker. He is the VP and head of Business Development and Market Education Departments, together with the OFW Desk, of First Metro Securities Brokerage Corp. and is a member of Metrobank’s Financial Education Editorial Advisory Board. For world-class, customized, exclusive and gamified financial and investment literacy programs, economic briefings, market updates, and sales and leadership workshops for your company, school or organization, email him at

Unlike volatile markets, real estate often appreciates over time, providing a reliable source of wealth As the country continues to develop, real estate values are expected to rise, presenting young investors with the opportunity to ride the wave of prosperity.


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