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Patricia Javier still dreams of winning an acting award
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Patricia Javier still dreams of winning an acting award


While she still accepts acting projects here and there, Patricia Javier’s top priorities at the moment are raising her kids and helping her husband run their businesses.But if there’s one that could compel her to come back and pursue acting more seriously again, she said it would be a dramatic piece worthy of recognition. “Maybe if I get an offer na pang-best dramatic [actress]. Because that’s something that I have yet to achieve—winning an award for my acting,” she told the Inquirer in a recent group interview.

Until such an offer materializes, Patricia intends to devote herself to managing the six chiropractic and wellness clinics that she and her husband, American chiropractor Robert Walcher III, owns.

“I’m needed there so I’m just trying to make the most out of it. But at the right time, and once everything’s in place, I would really want to go back to acting,” said Patricia, who was last seen in the GMA 7 anthology “Daig Kayo ng Lola Ko” in 2020.

Done with pageants

The 44-year-old celebrity is also done with pageants. While the Miss Universe pageant is now open to moms and married women, Patricia doesn’t see herself joining, and is perfectly content with the Noble Queen of the Universe title that she won in 2019.

But as she lies low, people may start seeing more of Patricia’s eldest son, Robert Walcher IV, in show biz. Last year, the 17-year-old aspirant tried his luck in pageantry and was crowned Mister Teen International in Bangkok, Thailand. Her younger son, Ryan, has also been showing interest in performing.

“I’m actually trying to expose them [to the industry]. But whether they like it or not depends on them. I’m not pushing them. It’s still their decision. We’re just here to guide them,” she said of her boys, who were recently invited to take part in the Bangkok Kids International Fashion Week.

“They play musical instruments like the piano and the guitar, they sing. So, we’re just putting them out there in hopes of building their confidence. Let’s see what happens,” added Robert III, who himself has dabbled in show biz, playing minor and supporting roles in such movies like “First Love” (2018) and the TV series “That’s My Amboy” (2016).

While he enjoyed the experience, he said he can’t veer away too much from his practice. “It was fun and I’m always open to it. But it’s hard to do it now, because it can be time-consuming,” he said.

See Also

Patricia Javier and Robert Walcher III

Piece of advice

What piece of advice can she give her children should they end up following in her footsteps?

“Pakikisama … camaraderie with coworkers. I want people to remember them not only by their name, but also for their kindness to others. It’s something that I learned from my mother when I was just starting out. She’s very kind and it’s something I have adopted and hope to pass on,” she said.

As for the secret to her 18-year marriage, Patricia stressed the importance of having a shared goal and vision in life. “You have to push each other forward. You have to have God at the center of the relationship,” she said.

And you can’t be too selosa if you marry someone good-looking, she jested. “Maghihiwalay lang kayo!” she said, laughing. INQ

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