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Agri dep’t sets up blacklist body
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Agri dep’t sets up blacklist body


The Department of Agriculture (DA) is setting up a committee that will weed out delinquent contractors based on complaints on alleged offenses or violations during the procurement process in the department as well as its bureaus and attached agencies.

The DA is doing so to ensure the proper conduct of investigation of the alleged offense in the bidding process and implementing contracts to carry out government projects, subject to existing laws and regulations.

Based on DA Special Order No. 11 dated Jan. 4, the committee that will serve as its central blacklisting body is tasked with looking into complaints during the competitive bidding and contract implementation done by contractors.

Within 30 days from the date of receipt of a complaint, the committee should issue a resolution containing its findings and recommendations to the head of procuring entity.

“The committee shall exercise appellate authority over offices, bureaus, regional field offices, attached agencies and corporations under the department’s jurisdiction,” the order said.

Specifically, the committee is responsible for evaluating complaints lodged by the bids and awards committees and verifying the existence of grounds for blacklisting.

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To ascertain the veracity of such complaints, the body will gather facts and evidence or take testimony and summon involved parties to examine further documentary evidence, receive additional verbal testimony and question witnesses.

The committee will also determine whether or not there is a reasonable cause to recommend the suspension or withdrawal of the contractor in question and forfeit the bid security.

According to the guidelines released by the Government Procurement Policy Board, a person or entity blacklisted by a procuring entity or those included in the consolidated blacklisting report of the Government Procurement Policy Board will be prohibited from participating in the bidding of government projects for a given period unless delisted. INQ

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