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Annual search for Best Employers begins
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Annual search for Best Employers begins


Who do you ask if you want to know what kind of an employer a company is?

The people who work for it, of course. Employees know if their employer’s public persona matches with the real thing or is just a media image without substance or, worse, so detached from reality.

How a company is as an employer should be as important as the bottom line. After all, an impressive bottom line most likely owes much to an inspired, motivated, dedicated and loyal human resource.

Commitment to a company’s goals and objectives does not happen automatically when a person is hired. The employee has to believe and be convinced that the employer does not only want the company’s growth and success but also his/her growth and well-being and all those people tasked to achieve that goal.

The way a company treats its people is also a reflection of its commitment to the good of the Filipino community, in general, the country and the planet, as a whole. If it cannot live up to its responsibilities as an employer, chances are it will also renege on its responsibilities in corporate citizenship.

The Philippines’ Best Employers project of the Philippine Daily Inquirer, in collaboration with German market research firm Statista, Inc., is an annual exercise to find out how well employers are perceived by their own people. It gives employees the chance to rate the companies they work for based on their personal experience.

This focus on the employees’ opinions and beliefs makes the annual undertaking stand out, as it provides a definitive list of who really are the best out there, based on their own people’s assessment, among the thousands of companies operating in the Philippines with at least 250 employees.

This year, the nomination period for the Philippines’ Best Employers survey will run from April 1, 2024, to April 23, 2024. Thousands of employees will then be surveyed to draw up a definitive list of the country’s best employers.

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In the survey, employees can either rate their own company or rate other companies within their own industry that they feel they can confidently recommend to friends or family.

The survey on which the list will be based will run from May 20 to July 1, 2024.

Access the nomination form from

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