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BIZ BUZZ: A tale of two golf clubs 
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BIZ BUZZ: A tale of two golf clubs 


This controversial businessman-golfer—whose victory in a prestigious tournament had been put under scrutiny, as we earlier reported here—may not just have to surrender that glittering trophy.

Biz Buzz heard from the grapevine that after completing its investigation, the board of this “club of who’s who” is moving to expel the golfer and nullify the championship award.

It’s to send a strong signal that the house won’t tolerate any score tinkering on its greens. (Of course, we can’t rule out any last-minute commutation.)

Suffice to say, the integrity of the long-running tourney has been tainted, and some stakeholders are waiting for heads (or just one) to roll.

See Also

We also hear that the golfer’s flight partner could be barred from playing (this person is a guest, not a member) for one year.

Interestingly, a similar case happened at another major club tourney. Will this other club be harsher, or more lenient?

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