BIZ BUZZ: ‘Don’t be greedy’

The Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice) reminds Filipino consumers to be mindful of their rice consumption, especially this Christmas season.
“Let us not be greedy and eat small portions of rice. Reducing our waste can go a long way in managing our consumption,” PhilRice head of development communication division Hazel Antonio-Beltran said (translated from Filipino) in a Zoom interview on Monday.
“But most of all, I hope that when we eat, aside from the plate wastage, we are mindful of what we eat, because sometimes, when we eat more than we can burn, that also becomes a waste because it can cause illness,” she stressed.
According to the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), diabetes was the fourth leading cause of death in the Philippines, with 36,039 cases recorded in 2023.
Furthermore, the International Diabetes Federation reported that one in every 14 Filipino adults had been diagnosed with diabetes in 2021. Higher consumption of white rice was the main culprit.