BIZ BUZZ: MPTC shake-up? All is well, says Lim

Metro Pacific Tollways Corp. (MPTC) just underwent another management shake-up over the weekend, but its new chief assured the public that everything is just fine.
When asked if the transition has been seamless, Jose Ma. Lim—who was appointed president and CEO effective March 1—said: “Yes, of course.”
He replaced Arrey Perez, who occupied the post for just about three months.
As previously reported here, Perez is now the Pangilinan-led tollway operator’s chief regulatory officer.
“We have decided to expand the role of Arrey to head the regulatory affairs for the whole group,” Lim said. “He (Perez) is still very much part of the team.”
This means Perez will mainly be dealing with government matters, which include the acquisition of right-of-way for their tollway projects.