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BIZ BUZZ: Rethinking “Konektadong Pinoy” bill
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BIZ BUZZ: Rethinking “Konektadong Pinoy” bill


The umbrella organization of telecommunication companies in the country has some reservations over the passage of “Konektadong Pinoy” bill, which seeks to provide Filipinos with affordable internet access by encouraging entry of more industry players who can develop critical infrastructures across the country.

The Philippine Chamber of Telecommunications Operators (PCTO), whose members include industry leaders PLDT Inc. and Globe Telecom Inc., said this bill could hinder fair competition and even put national security at risk.

“The bill’s exemption of data transmission providers from securing a congressional franchise and a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity creates an unequal regulatory environment, violating the principle of fair competition,” it said.

The exemption could also eliminate “crucial safeguards that protect public interest by ensuring that telecommunications providers meet specific standards and obligations in order to provide quality and reliable services,” PCTO added.

The group also warned against the “explosion of cybersecurity incidents that threaten national security” given the “relaxation of regulatory scrutiny” on the part of data transmission providers.

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Speaking of competition, PCTO also said that new entrants should focus on developing the infrastructure in remote areas to avoid concentration of redundant facilities in developed locations.

“Data transmission providers should be required to build in GIDAs (geographically isolated and disadvantaged areas) instead of adding redundant builds in areas where connectivity is already strong. Such provision must be added to the bill to realize the spirit and intent of ‘Konektadong Pinoy,’ which is to achieve connectivity for all,” PCTO stressed.

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