BIZ BUZZ: Simplifying Korean visa application

Applying for a Korean visa is now easier, thanks to the landmark partnership of Korea Tourism Organization (KTO) with BDO Unibank, Bank of the Philippine Islands, Metropolitan Bank & Trust Co. and Rizal Commercial Banking Corp.
Eligible credit card holders will no longer need to submit bank certificates, bank statements and income tax returns for themselves and their immediate family members when securing their visa.
They will only need to prepare their original copy of certificate of employment, a copy of their credit card and the latest three months of billing statements.
But they have to apply soon as the simplified visa application is only available until the end of this year.
“With the recent Korea-Philippines aviation agreement expected to increase the number of flights between the two countries, it is anticipated that tourism exchanges will become even more active in the future,” KTO acting president Young Choong- seo said.
He also urged them to go to other places like Gangneung, Jeonju and Mokpo to experience more of Korean culture and food.
“Visitors can experience the vivid history and beauty of Korea while touring the beautiful gardens and architecture,” he added.