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Feedback sought for new freight forwarding rules
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Feedback sought for new freight forwarding rules


The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) is seeking public comments on a proposed administrative order containing new rules on freight forwarding that will set the minimum standards and requirements for the sector.

The latest draft of the rules says its objective is to lay down the minimum standards and requirements for the recognition of freight forwarders.

It also seeks to upgrade the quality of services, capabilities, resources, and expertise of the covered firms in order for them to meet the demands of today when it comes to global and domestic trade.

The proposal is also targeted to curtail acts and practices inimical to the rapid growth of the freight forwarding industry and those considered prejudicial to the interests of local businesses and the general public.

Lastly, it also aims to promote and encourage fair, honest, and equitable relations among parties in consumer transactions.

The draft issuance also contains the documentary requirements for application, qualifications of key operating officers for the company, as well as in the processing of application for recognition and payment of fees, among others.

See Also

It also lists the proposed fees in filing and processing, as well as the documentary tax stamp and the collected fee for the certificate of recognition.

The proposed issuance also contains provisions on the DTI visitorial powers, where the government agency and its representatives can enter, whenever necessary, any establishment, office, and premises of a firm reported to be engaging in transactions. INQ

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