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Hone local cybersecurity talent, Kaspersky urges PH
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Hone local cybersecurity talent, Kaspersky urges PH


With the proliferation of digital threats, companies must hone homegrown cybersecurity talents instead of hiring new employees to strengthen expertise and retain workforce, according to Kaspersky.

In a global survey conducted by Kaspersky, respondents raised the need for enterprises to sponsor additional training courses for cybersecurity to remain competitive in the market while building capacity.

“With a constantly evolving threat landscape, businesses should continually improve the skills of their cybersecurity personnel in order to be well prepared for sophisticated cyberattacks,” said Veniamin Levtsov, vice president of Kaspersky’s center of corporate business expertise.

He added “developing high-profile specialists within the company and

building internal expertise can be an effective strategy for organizations that aim to retain existing employees and allow them to grow professionally.”

When conducting capacity-building programs, Kaspersky noted that practical use of the training would help in the knowledge retention.

A number of cyberattacks can potentially target enterprises and disrupt their operations as a result.

An example is ransomware whereby hackers hold hostage an entity’s network system until a ransom is paid in return.

Organizations in the Philippines usually spend about P55 million or $1 million to resolve a single data breach and pay off ransom to regain system access, according to an estimate by cybersecurity company Fortinet.

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About 56 percent of the surveyed organizations in the Philippines said they saw two times increase in ransomware attacks last year compared to 2022, Fortinet said, noting more digital threats of the same kind are expected to trouble businesses this year.

Another common digital threat targeting enterprises is business email compromise, which is a form of cyberattack whereby hackers send emails embedded with suspicious links to business emails of company employees.



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