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Momentous road safety volunteerism pledging held at AAP 93rd Annual General Membership Meeting
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Momentous road safety volunteerism pledging held at AAP 93rd Annual General Membership Meeting


On April 25, 2024, the Automobile Association Philippines (AAP) marked its 93rd Annual General Membership Meeting (GMM) with a significant road safety pledging ceremony. AAP board of trustees, club members, employees, partners, road safety volunteers, and special guests at the Cinema 6 of the Robinsons Magnolia in New Manila, QC raised their right hands and pledged to be a road safety volunteer.

Led by AAP Advocacy Assistant Vice President Cynthia Reyes, all present declared: “I support the manifesto for global road safety. I pledge to commit myself and participate as a road safety volunteer of AAP, the National Auto Club.”

The pledge prescribes the Golden Rules of the United Nations Decade of Action for Road Safety and FIA #3500Lives campaign:

• Obey the speed limit

• Never drink and drive

• Use a child safety seat

• Always pay attention

• Buckle up

• Don’t text and drive

• Stop when you’re tired

• Wear a helmet

• Check your tires

• Stay Bright

• Check your vision

• Slow down for kids

The pledging ceremony included a symbolic signing of the manifesto, with AAP President Joe Ferreria and special guests leading the way. Everyone, especially the 20 AAP Road Safety volunteers present, signed it.

2024-2025 AAP Board of Trustees Elected

During the plenary part of the program, the nine incumbent board members were reelected for 2024-2025. They are:

Augustus V. Ferreria – President

David L. Arcenas – Vice President, Governance & Admin Committee Chairperson

Augusto M. Cosio, Jr. – Treasurer, Finance Committee Chairperson

Augusto C. Lagman – Advocacy Committee Chairperson

See Also

Ricardo S. Guevara – Marketing & Membership Services Committee Chairperson

Jose Armando L. Eduque – Motor Sport Committee & Audit Committee Chairperson

Aida Sevilla-Mendoza – Publications & Public Relations Committee Chairperson

Roberto J. Consunji – Government Liaison Committee Chairperson

Roberto Zozobrado – Tourism & Mobility Committee Chairperson

AAP Corporate Secretary Representative Atty. Aylwyn Maria Valenciano implemented the Proclamation of the Board of Trustees, done in the presence of the incumbent and elected board members and the live audience present at the venue.

The 93rd GMM was made exceptional by the presence and special messages from Police Brigadier General Alan Nazario of the Philippine National Police-Highway Patrol Group, Land Transportation Office Chief of the Operations Division Kathleen Deanna Salayog, and Quezon City Assistant City Administrator for Operations Alberto Kimpo.

This was followed by the annual President’s Report, which highlighted the club’s nationwide expansion efforts, value creation for members, and enhanced focus on its primary advocacies: motor sport and road safety.

During the open forum, members expressed gratitude for AAP’s services and inquired about lifetime membership, emergency roadside benefits, and the club’s stance on road sharing, which the AAP board of trustees addressed.

Before the AAP 93rd Anniversary Grand Raffle was conducted, door prizes were raffled off to lucky club members present.

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