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LUIS SARMIENTO President and CEO Apex Mining Co. Inc.


President and CEO

Apex Mining Co. Inc.

In 2024, we faced many challenges at the mine site but Apex Mining still delivered a strong performance, marking highest tonnage in a day and highest tonnage in a month records.

While the ill effects of climate change were made manifest so early in the year—affecting not just our operations but our host communities, too—the spirit of malasakit that is innate in each of us powered our efforts.

We saw our employees, our host local governments and communities and even our fellow-industry players closing ranks together—it was truly heartwarming to see all the hands that extended help.

In 2025, our solid and inspired team is primed to deliver their targets. We hope to see concrete positive results from the engineering innovations we have started to implement in our operations. Sustainability remains a focus for us, along with more meaningful development projects for our host communities.

Apex Mining is grateful that despite the many challenges we face, the various variables that are relevant to our business, such as the price of gold and foreign exchange rate, remain in our favor.

We are also thankful that our continued positive performance allows us to be of service to our fellow Filipinos, not just in our host communities, but anywhere we can effect beneficial change.

Mining remains a largely misunderstood industry. But we hope to continue being the partners of our host communities and also help bring relief and reprieve to areas that need our assistance.

We will strive to make our actions speak louder than those (negative) words.

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