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Milestones Dingdong and Marian want to relive if given a chance
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Milestones Dingdong and Marian want to relive if given a chance


If they had the chance to go back in time to an important milestone in their respective careers, real- and reel-life couple Dingdong Dantes and Marian Rivera said they would like to relive some moments when they were still doing “Marimar” (2007) and “Dyesebel” (2008).

“For me, it would have to be that moment when Marimar was dancing on the island with her dog Fulgoso,” Marian told reporters during a media gathering on Monday night to promote their latest film, “Rewind.” “I chose this for two reasons. First, it was on this show where I met my own Sergio (Dingdong). Second, it was while doing this scene when Direk Joyce (Bernal) told me, ‘Marian, this is your moment. I want you to give everything you’ve got because this will be our show’s OBB (opening billboard). I guess I was able to pull it off.”

As for Dingdong, it was a memorable moment while they were on the set of “Dyesebel.” “Kasi OK kang ka-swimming,” he told Marian, laughing. “Basta ‘yon na ‘yon!”

But when Inquirer Entertainment prodded him to explain his answer, Dingdong said: “The truth is that something happened to us on the set and I had to save her. It’s Dyesebel who usually saves humans, right? There was a malfunction on the set. It wasn’t about the costumes, but a safety thing. And because it was just the two of us there, we had to be there for each other. It was kind of a life-and-death situation. That’s why it was hard for me to forget.”As for Marian’s wish to rewind a “Marimar” moment, Dingdong said it was because for her, “it’s a very iconic memory. I also think it’s a celebration of everything about her career, about her being a woman. It also has something to do with her being an artist and wife.”

The success of “Marimar” turned Marian into a household name. She eventually played the lead in more romantic dramas. Meanwhile, she described “Rewind” as her dream movie project. She also said she was grateful that she did the project opposite Dingdong. “In the movie, I’m Mary, a woman ready to give up all of her hopes and dreams in order to fully understand her husband better. While Dong’s character is a workaholic, she is a ’give-aholic.’ I’m glad to have worked with Dong on this one. I wouldn’t have played Mary well if not for him,” said Marian.“John is a good provider,” said Dingdong of his character. “But his work is his priority. He always has something to do. Whenever he is at home, he would always frown at his family … until something happens.”

2 important moments

Meanwhile, if she would be given a chance to return to a particular time in her life, Marian said she would return to two important moments. “I want to go back to the time when my kids were still young, back when I could still carry them in my arms and when they still needed me to take care of them. Kids grow up so fast, especially when you’re busy. There were times when I’d go home and say, ‘I think my kid grew an inch taller!’”

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She added: “I also want to relive my wedding day. It was one of the rare times when my family was complete. My Mama was there, and so was my Papa, and my Nanay. Also, it was when my dream of finally getting married to a man like Dingdong was finally fulfilled.”

Dingdong said he would gladly return to the time when their children, Zia and Ziggy, were born. “It’s because I want to extend our time together. I’m not saying I don’t want them to grow up because that’s inevitable. I just want to go back to those two moments again and again,” he said.

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