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A year of abundance, enlightenment, infinite possibilities
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A year of abundance, enlightenment, infinite possibilities


“If a dream is not frightening, it’s not big enough.”—Oprah Winfrey

The power of transformation is limitless with the right combination of intention and perseverance. To start my new chapter being legally free, I hosted a “multipurpose” lunch celebration to commemorate this milestone and the other occasions like the birthday of my sister-in-law Myda Prieto and send-off party for good friend China Cojuangco. It was also to wish blessings for my youngest daughter, Athena Valdes, who will start her second year of college in London.

The intimate lunch was held Aug. 8, the most auspicious day of the year, as it was the Lion’s Gate Portal—8/8 is when the cosmic alignment between the Sun, the star Sirius and the Orion constellation is at its peak. This alignment creates a powerful influx of high-frequency energy that could positively impact everyone.

Seated: Sea Princess, birthday girl Myda Prieto, China Cojuangco, Doody Tuason; standing: Anton Barretto, Arnel Patawaran, Alexi Prieto-Tarvis, Tessa Alindogan, Rosan Cruz, Irene Nubla, Andrew Tarvis

To open this tremendous energetic power, we wrote eight intentions and burned the paper to release these wishes to the universe. Claiming these manifestations as already present, we offered our good intentions while channeling the strength, courage and fearlessness of the lion.

Capt. Stanley Ng, Mia Borromeo, Marilu Batchelor, Kaye Tiñga, Maritess Tantoco Enriquez, Susan Joven, Sea Princess, Ching Cruz

As the Lion’s Gate Portal opened, we embraced the transformative power of the number 8, symbolizing abundance, infinite possibilities and spiritual enlightenment.

After being in unpleasant darkness for most of last year, I have realigned my boundless energy to more productive work, like preparing for this year’s Red Charity Gala on Oct. 22 at the Shangri-La at the Fort. We are truly excited to feature our first woman designer, Lulu Tan Gan.

Patrick Jacinto, Byeong-in Park, Nikki Huang, Menchu Tantoco Lopez, Rachelle Gerodias-Park, Anton Huang, Nomher Nival, Isabelle Huang, Maricar Lopez Tiangco

Focusing on her detailed weave designs, we are presenting a different staging so our valued sponsors and guests could view the craftsmanship of Lulu up close while keeping the grandness of the Gala. We are delighted to also have new auction items this year with more outstanding travel packages and stunning artworks.

Sea Princess, Maritess Tantoco Enriquez, Marixi Prieto, Marivic Rufino

Homage and celebration

For the entertainment, RCG cochair Kaye Tiñga and I got ideas from the tribute to the late Zenaida “Nedy” Tantoco, to celebrate what would have been her 78th birthday. It was a night filled with enchanting music and warm memories as family, friends and the cultural community gathered to honor this grand dame.

Anton T. Huang (center) receives an Orlina sculpture and plaque of recognition on behalf of his late mother, Zenaida Tantoco, from Nes Jardin, Margie Moran Floirendo and artist Ramon Orlina.

Organized by the Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP) and the Philippine Philharmonic Orchestra Society Inc. (PPOSI), the musical event “Remembering Nedy” paid tribute to her remarkable influence on both institutions.

First row: Byeong-in Park, Dr. Raul Sunico, Jomel Garcia, Carlo Mañalac, Irene Araneta, Anna Migallos, Alex Cortez, Camille Lopez-Molina; back row: Nicole Pugeda, Isaac Iglesias, Iona Ventocilla-Borja, Myramae Meneses, Fritz Rivera, Pablo Molina, Lizzie Bett Estrada, Raymond Yadao, Roby Malubay

The concert was both an homage and celebration of the exemplary life of the philanthropist and patroness of the arts, whose contributions to classical music and opera in the Philippines have left an enduring impact on the lives and hearts of many.

Mia Borromeo, US Ambassador MaryKay Carlson, CCP president Kaye Tiñga, Dellie and Eddie Yap

In her lifetime, she devoted much of her passion preserving the legacy of the Tantoco family business and advocating for arts and culture through her support for various organizations such as the PPO, PPOSI and CCP, to name a few.

PAL Pres. Captain Stanley Ng, Kaye Tinga and Freddie Tinga

The evening featured moving performances by renowned artists who received numerous opportunities and unwavering support from Tantoco, including pianist Raul Sunico, violinist Diomedes Saraza Jr., the string ensemble Pundaquit Virtuosi with soprano Lizzie Bett Estrada, PPO String Ensemble with conductor Herminigildo Ranera, Philippine Opera Company’s Harana, tenor Nomher Nival, cellist Dr. Renato B. Lucas, Viva Voce, baritone Byeong-in Park and soprano Rachelle Gerodias-Park. The concert was conceptualized and directed by CCP VP and artistic director Dennis Marasigan.

Arnel Patawaran, China Cojuangco, Sea Princess, Pepper Teehankee and Tessa Alindogan

Tantoco, who served on the CCP board from 2002 to 2021, played a pivotal role in reviving the PPOSI and supporting the national orchestra. Her efforts included coproducing numerous fundraising events with the CCP, supported by the Rustan Group of Companies and other sponsors, for the purchase of new instruments and facilitating the PPO’s performances at prestigious venues like Carnegie Hall and their first European tour in 2001.

See Also

Lifestyle Asia Alpha August cover: The Prieto women

I attended the musical tribute with my parents, Alex and Marixi Prieto. It is wonderful to be back in the social scene again after about a year of absence. Being with family has become my priority and focus as I start my next book!

Lifestyle Asia editor Candy Dizon and Sea Princess

Passing values

When the Alpha Lifestyle Asia editor Candy Dizon asked if they could feature me as cover, I requested if the issue could include the four generations of women in the Prieto clan, including matriarch Marixi Rufino-Prieto, her daughter Tessa Prieto and granddaughters Jordan and Athena Valdes and her great-granddaughter Naiara Noah Crespo Prieto.

Cessie Colayco, Stephanie Chong, Catherine Huang Endriga, David Endriga, and Elizabeth Quiambao

With strong commitment to helping those around us, these Alpha cover girls are passing values and tradition through our lives. We continue to make a difference through purposeful charity work in our chosen industries and passions. The poise, authenticity and confidence of these women shine through in the photos by Kim Santos of KLIQ.

Jordan Prieto Valdes, Sea Princess, Marixi Prieto, Athena Valdes and Louie Malachi Crespo Prieto

Sharing my story with Mariane Perez made me reminisce about my past life, but I focused more on my exciting future. At the pictorial, editor Candy and creative director Paolo Torio worked on bringing out the best family vibes after our hair and makeup by Bambbi Fuentes were beautifully done. We had several outfit changes that stylist Roko Arceo arranged. The day was coordinated by Mae Talaid.

Dr. Vicki Belo, Dr. Hayden Kho, Jr. , Sea Princess and Anton San Diego

“The Ripple Effect: How The Prieto Women Are Championing Philanthropy, Purpose and Filipino Culture” is out now online at the Lifestyle Asia One Mega website.

Marixi Rufino-Prieto with granddaughter Naiara Noah Crespo Prieto

Whether we are confronted with a dilemma or going through an overwhelming challenge or just a moment of confusion, we will always have reassuring infinite guidance from God and divine forces in the universe to weather the storms of life. We are never alone to face these hurdles.

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