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Dynamic partnership between Hungary and PH
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Dynamic partnership between Hungary and PH


Last October, Hungary Ambassador Titanilla To’th led the commemoration of the heroes of the 1956 Revolution and her country’s peaceful transition to democracy in 1989.

Hungary Consul Balazs Ratkai, Hungary Deputy Head of Mission Matyas Javor

This day of remembrance also provided an opportunity to highlight the 50-year diplomatic relationship between Hungary and the Philippines.

Ivory Coast Consul General Vince Carlos, Costa Rica Consul General Fausto Presyler

To’th highlighted how the relationship between Hungary and the Philippines has flourished through robust diplomatic exchanges, particularly in the realms of trade, politics, and cultural diplomacy.

Papal Nuncio Arch. Charles Brown, Monaco Consul General Fortune Ledesma

Key moments in the past year included the visit of Sen. Juan Miguel Zubiri, who led the Philippine delegation to Hungary, as well as multiple consultations between Hungary Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó and his Filipino counterpart, Secretary Enrique Manalo.

Department of Transportation Sec. Jaime Bautista, Department of Migrant Workers Secretary Hans Leo Cacdac

These engagements not only reinforced political ties but also spurred significant economic cooperation, with bilateral trade reaching over $199 million in 2023, and more than $78 million in the first half of 2024.

DFA Usec. Eduardo de Vega, DFA Usec. Antonio Morales

Cultural and business exchanges have further solidified this dynamic partnership. The year-long celebration of the 50th anniversary saw a significant Philippine business delegation visiting Hungary, aimed at exploring new opportunities and strengthening economic ties.

See Also

Hungary Consul to Mindanao Mary Ann Montemayor, Hungary Consul General to Angeles City Alfonso Yuchengco III

Additionally, the restart of EU-Philippines free trade agreement negotiations, timed with Hungary’s presidency of the Council of the European Union, promises to propel future cooperation.

Hungarian Folk dancer Andrea Zsapka, Hungarian Violonist Sedli Helga

The vibrant cultural exchange, featuring Hungarian music, dance, and cuisine, served as a testament to the enduring friendship between Hungary and the Philippines—a relationship that continues to grow stronger, grounded in shared goals and mutual respect.

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