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‘No one else more than twice my age can out-strut me’ 
Dark Light

‘No one else more than twice my age can out-strut me’ 


My ever dearest Nanay,

Ang ganda pa rin po ninyo, Nay! Ninety-four years and going so strong! Napaka-youthful and energetic and fashion-forward to this day! You are the most graceful, intelligent and poised matriarch.

There’s no one else more than twice my age who can out-strut me at the mall. There’s no one else I know who can impress a young crowd at the local shabu-shabu restaurant with her impeccable ensemble better than you, Nay.

There’s no one else who could strike up a conversation with someone while in line to buy a dress and come out five minutes later talking like lifelong friends.

And there’s no one else I’d rather brag about to my friends than you, with your strange yet clearly effective morning concoction, which I’ve come to think of as somewhat of a youth elixir—a microwaved raw egg in your coffee and, when you’re feeling fancy, some Klim (or should this have remained a family secret? Whoops! Share the wealth, Nay!).

I can only pray that one day I’ll be able to scratch the surface of establishing a legacy like yours. My children, your great-grandchildren, Ashton Jeremy and Adelaide Felicity (your namesake), love you so much, always asking: “Where’s Nay Nay?”

Thanks for being the model mother, grandmother and now great-grandmother, Nay. We couldn’t admire and love you, our family’s queen, more.

See you when you get back to Cali!

See Also




Francesca “Cheska” Constantino Tesoro, who lives in Southern California, is the granddaughter of Dr. Ligaya Felicidad Abueg Verayo.

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