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Protect your kids from common summer ailments
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Protect your kids from common summer ailments


Summer is forever synonymous with carefree days of sleeping in and waking up late and playing in the backyard all day. But it’s also the season for ailments and conditions that crop up during the searing weather. Don’t let summer ailments get in the way of your fun. Makati Medical Center (MakatiMed), through its Department of Pediatrics, lists summer’s most common diseases among kids and how to prevent your little ones from getting them.

Skin conditions. Kids who stay out in the sun too long are bound to get one or both of these common skin conditions. “Prickly heat or bungang araw is an itchy and uncomfortable rash that develops when your sweat glands are blocked and sweat cannot rise to the surface of the skin to evaporate,” said Dr. Angelica Cecilia Tomas of MakatiMed. Apply calamine lotion or talcum powder to soothe the itchy, stinging sensation and keep kids cool by changing them from sweaty clothes to loose, light-colored apparel.

“Morning sunshine is still best for outdoor play. Tell your kids to take a break from playing or play in a shaded area when the sun’s rays are at their most intense—between 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.—and have them hydrate regularly by drinking at least eight glasses of water,” said Dr. Tomas. If a child develops a painful sunburn, give him a cool bath or apply a cool compress to the sunburned area.

Food- and water-borne diseases. “Food poisoning happens more often during summer because bacteria thrive in hot weather and multiply in warm, moist places,” said Dr. Tomas. Unsanitary food handling also adds to the risk of food contamination.

Upset stomach, vomiting, diarrhea and fever are telltale signs of someone who may have eaten spoiled food. If a child exhibits such symptoms, she said, “Give him or her plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration.” It’s best to prevent food poisoning from happening in the first place. Make sure the people who prepare the food observe sanitary practices. If anything looks, smells or tastes funny, throw it away!

Measles. “In the Philippines, cases of measles reach their peak in the summer months. It’s an airborne disease, and when a child infected with the virus doesn’t cover his mouth when he sneezes, the infected droplets spread into the air, contaminating others.”

Vaccinations protect your kids from catching measles. “Ideally, the first dose should be given at 9 months, the second dose between the ages of 12 and 15 months and the third dose between the ages of 4 and 6 years,” she said.

Sore eyes. Sore eyes (conjunctivitis) is spread when your child touches his eyes after getting in contact with things like toys containing the eye secretions of an infected person. It can also enter your child’s eyes while he’s swimming in a poorly chlorinated pool.

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“If the conjunctivitis is viral and without complications, it can heal on its own within a week. But if it is bacterial and affects vision, see an ophthalmologist for proper assessment and medication,” she said.

Hygiene is the best way to prevent sore eyes. Dr. Tomas said, “Wash your hands regularly, don’t rub your eyes when your hands are dirty and do not share handkerchiefs and towels.”

Contact MakatiMed On-Call at tel. 88888999; email; visit

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