Let’s face it: Valentine’s Day is just another excuse to shower loved ones with an extra dose of sweetness and syrupy sentimentality, and there’s nothing wrong with that.
Ideally, love doesn’t have to be proven. It should be felt always in all ways—from adoring gazes to furious glares, from distracted grunts to rapturous guffaws, from astounded gasps to impassioned gushing.
But it never hurts to take time to rekindle the spark through action, supplementing feelings with mementos of what those feelings mean, just to let your significant other know how much you love them, know them, and think about them.
Take it as an opportunity to reinforce the romance in your relationship, a chance to make your person feel all fluttery and remind them what it means to choose you over and over again.
For the heart-shopper who deserves all the love
For the bling babe who deserves to shine
For the sticky sweethearts who love doing things together