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Tony Labrusca: It’s not easy being shirtless-ready
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Tony Labrusca: It’s not easy being shirtless-ready


While every few swipes through Tony Labrusca’s Instagram grid would reveal shirtless photos that highlight his toned physique, make no mistake, he said: He doesn’t always look like that.

What many people don’t realize, the actor said, is that the camera-ready body that he shows off online takes a tremendous amount of work, discipline, and planning, which isn’t really practical most of the time.

“Honestly, it’s hard to maintain a nice body. It’s not always practical because there are many things that need to align: You have to have lots of free time, and you need access to really good and healthy food. Achieving the look you want is hard; staying that way, even harder,” Labrusca told Lifestyle.

In addition to weightlifting, Labrusca is an avid fan of obstacle course racing.

Labrusca wasn’t always the fitness buff he is today. But upon entering show biz nine years ago, he noticed that his image unwittingly revolved around his physique and being marketed as a hunk. And while it’s hard to believe, there came a point in his career when he felt insecure about his body.

“I needed to do it for work. I started to get really active to help with my roles. Because everywhere I went, whether photo shoots or interviews, people expected me to take my shirt off,” said the actor, 29.

Obstacle course racing

Determined to shake off the nagging self-doubt, Labrusca set a goal for himself: One day, he would look at himself in the mirror and like what he sees in front of him. His first step: Get into obstacle course racing (OCR)—a sport that entails all sorts of physical activities and challenges, like running, wall climbing, swinging across monkey bars, and carrying heavy objects.

“I wanted something to work and focus on. I wanted to accomplish something. So, I just kept going and going at it until I got the body I wanted. More work came in, but I was more confident in the body I was in,” he said.

Labrusca attends a press conference wearing a Daryl Maat pad paper barong. —@DARYLMAAT/INSTAGRAM

Labrusca trained long and hard. And before long, he was competition-ready. In 2018, he joined the Spartan Race in Cebu, where he clinched the gold medal in the age group division. To this day, that victory remains one of the most memorable moments of his life.

“It was absolutely exhilarating. It was something I poured my heart and soul into. Once I accomplished my goal, I felt like all the hard work I put in was worth it. I’m very happy that God allowed me to experience something like that,” he said.

Still, there are times when he “stumbles” and allows himself “to let go.” And truth be told, he isn’t as fit as he could be of late. He’s in the thick of shooting his new afternoon television series on GMA 7, “Binibining Marikit,” and his workouts are now limited to only weightlifting.

And these days, “every day seems like a cheat day,” he said. “That’s what’s difficult! I’ve been enjoying food too much recently. You can’t eat all the food you love and have a nice body. But yeah, I really need to start dieting soon.”

Enjoyable workouts

But that’s okay. Through the years, he has realized that fitness progression isn’t always linear. The important thing is that he already knows the kind of fitness regimen that he needs and works for him.

“I try to work out at least three times a week. But I believe you also need to have activities that you enjoy doing. Whether that’s kickboxing and spinning, or racing and running, you should try to incorporate those into your routine,” he said.

And that’s pretty much the crux of his advice to those just getting started with their fitness journeys. Do you love music and dancing? Try Zumba or spinning. You’re up for something more physical and don’t mind engaging in contact sports? Boxing may be the one for you. Now, get a pair of “really good shoes” and some nice gym clothes, and you’re good to go.

See Also

Labrusca: “I started to get really active to help with my roles.” —CONTRIBUTED

“Just choose what seems fun to you and start there,” said Labrusca. “I chose OCR because swinging on monkey bars seemed like a lot of fun.”

And who knows, once you find the right sport, you might end up meeting like-minded people who will motivate you and help you reach your goals. “From there, you can find a community. They may invite you to try other sports and that, in turn, can inspire you to just keep trying other new things,” he said.

In “Binibining Marikit,” Labrusca plays Drew, a party-loving club owner who seems naughty at first glance but is actually a good guy deep down. His character will end up being one of the two love interests of actress Herlene Budol’s character, Marikit, a hopeless romantic tour guide who falls victim to an internet love scam.

“I know it’s just a character, but this one just feels so Tony. It’s something that I personally wanted to play, something right up my alley. I have done similar roles before, but they were few and far between. This role is like my baby for now. I just want to enjoy it,” he said.

Labrusca described his leading lady as “hilarious—so much fun to be around.

“There’s a lot of pressure on her because she’s the main star, but still, her energy is always high; her passion and dedication shine through. That’s something we can learn from her,” he said.

And if anything, working with Budol has him wishing that he were funny, too. “I really do! But you can’t have it all,” he said, laughing.

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