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A quiet place


Aging gracefully is the primary goal of many people. This means keeping fit and healthy, and maintaining meaningful relationships with family and friends. This certainly applies to our grandparents. A lot of them enjoy driving and traveling by car, and the challenge is to allow them to do so well into their senior years. If you have a significant grandparent (or older parent) in your life, think of their needs when you consider your next vehicle. Here are some things you can watch out for:

Ease of entry and exit

Older folks may enjoy driving the latest Porsche 911 or Taycan, but will certainly find climbing in and out of it a challenge. The close-to-the-ground seating position and low-slung ceiling may be ideal for performance, but not for ingress/egress.

Honda CR-V’s large door openings and tall seat makes it easier for older folks to enter and exit

Pick a vehicle that allows for easily getting that older bum in the seat. This means a seat that is positioned at hip height, allowing for minimal bending to get into position. A large door opening with a door that swings out to nearly 90 degrees is a major boon. For this, cars like the Honda CR-V and Subaru Forester come to mind. The CR-V and Forester have rectangular door openings and high roof lines, making head-conking on the door frame less likely. The Forester’s rear door opens to 90 degrees, allowing for easier entry and exit. It also makes for easier installation of child seats.

Comfortable and quiet ride

Grandparents and older drivers will appreciate a suspension system that absorbs bumps and potholes without fuss. A well-designed car will also block unwanted road noise. A serene motoring environment will promote a sense of well-being for all passengers, and more so for the older folks. Many luxury vehicles will excel in this field. Lexus’ reputation for a very quiet cabin extends from their flagship sedan all the way down to their smaller, sportier offerings.

Space for the family

Grandparents will readily agree to a road trip if the grandkids will be joining. This means vehicles that can ideally seat seven or more. Most MPVs feature an ideal combination of three-row seating, as well as easy entry and exit (at least to the second row).

Active safety features

Safety systems that can actively brake and keep the car on its intended path are a must-have, especially on larger vehicles like MPVs. Even more affordable MPVs like the GAC M6 Pro have a full suite of active safety features. These keep the family safer, particularly in critical emergency situations.

See Also

Fuel efficiency

Hybrids, plug-in hybrids and EVs offer lower running cost, as there is less or no need to gas them up. More of these electrified vehicles will be launched soon, as the technology becomes more affordable and charging stations more plentiful.

Meanwhile, road safety organization GEM Motoring Assist says older drivers can stay safer for longer. They share some key tips for staying safe behind the wheel:

  • Get fit and stay fit. If possible, do some exercise for 15 to 20 minutes each day.
  • Get a regular eye test. This allows early detection of possible problems.
  • Make sure the car you drive best suits your current needs.
  • Adapt your driving to avoid journeys that cause you stress or discomfort.
  • Reflect on your driving, learn from your mistakes and near misses. Don’t pretend they’re not happening.
  • Plan your journeys to avoid using the roads at really busy times, and build in plenty of breaks on longer journeys.

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