AAP Stay Bright Creates More Road Safety Champions, Reaches La Union

There is no stopping the Advocacy Department of the Automobile Association Philippines (AAP) as they continue to make streets safer in more school zones and communities.
In partnership with the Shell Pilipinas Foundation, the AAP-Shell BiyaHero Stay Bright Program is expanding as the number of students, teachers, barangays, and local governments that participate in the project continuously grows.
Manuel L. Quezon Elementary School
On February 16, 2024, the AAP Advocacy Department together with the Barangay Commonwealth Youth Council conducted a dynamic road safety lecture at Manuel L. Quezon Elementary School. Four hundred students from Grades 2 to 6 learned valuable road safety tips, traffic rules, and pointers on staying visible on the road.
Barangay Commonwealth Youth Council Chairwoman Rea Ariaso together with her council members were there to help as part of the AAP Road Safety Volunteerism Program.
Sta. Ana Elementary School
On March 13, 2024, the AAP Advocacy Department introduced the Stay Bright Program to 200 Grade 6 students of Sta. Ana Elementary School.
“This Stay Bright Program is one of many AAP road safety initiatives that focuses on teaching kids to become aware of staying visible on the road. We need to prioritize your safety especially because you are the most vulnerable road users,” said AAP Advocacy Coordinator Aira Realo.
Margarita Roxas de Ayala Elementary School
On March 14, 2024, the AAP Advocacy Department marked a significant milestone conducting the Stay Bright Program for more than 400 students of the Margarita Roxas de Ayala Elementary School.
“AAP has always been helping schools, especially those that are situated near highways. We are grateful that they chose our school to conduct this insightful lecture about road safety. I hope that this will not be their last lecture with us. Thank you, AAP,” said Principal Rosemarie B. Ponce.
Biyahero in La Union
Capping off the first quarter of the AAP-Shell Biyahero Program, AAP ventured to San Fernando, La Union.
On March 21, 2024, AAP joined forces with the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) and conducted a comprehensive lecture for the traffic enforcers of Barangay Poro Pavillion, San Fernando City, La Union.
The “BIYAHERO: A Community Road Safety Lecture Program” highlighted AAP and Shell’s shared commitment to create positive change and a safer environment for everyone. AAP Advocacy Head Cynthia Reyes, AAP Advocacy Consultant Marte Perez, MMDA Task Force Special Operations Chief Bong Nebrija and MMDA officer Max Tapongot were the road safety lecturers during the program. They shared their expertise and practical road safety practices.
“I am really grateful that we finally conducted this Road Safety lecture in your Barangay. This collaborative effort with Shell and MMDA is just the beginning of our commitment to create safer roads for everyone,” AAP’s Reyes said.
The discussion included pedestrian safety protocols, effective traffic management techniques, as well as, reducing preventable road crash incidents.