Asian bishops elect Pinoy to synodality panel

The Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences (FABC) elected last week Kalookan Bishop Cardinal Pablo Virgilio David to chair an episcopal commission on synodality.
The FABC central committee, during a meeting held March 12 to March 13 in Bangkok, Thailand, elected David as chair of the Commission on Synodality, with Fr. Clarence Devadass from Malaysia as executive secretary.
The members are Fr. William LaRousse from the FABC central secretariat, Dr. Christina Kheng from Singapore, Fr. Vimal Tirimana from Sri Lanka, Estella Padilla and Fr. Enrio Ayo from the Philippines, Momoko Nishimura from Japan, and Sr. Lalitha Thomas from India.
David, president of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines, was cited for his “extensive experience and unwavering commitment to the synodal process,” while the members were noted for their “vast array of experience, having actively participated in both sessions of the Synod on Synodality.