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Can’t push that ‘envelope’: Store heeds Comelec request
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Can’t push that ‘envelope’: Store heeds Comelec request


Heeding a request from Commission on Elections (Comelec) Chair George Erwin Garcia, National Book Store (NBS) has pulled out out small money and coin envelopes being sold by its stores among items labelled as “election materials essentials.”

“Although we are aware that such envelopes may be used for other legitimate purposes during elections such as payments for watchers and suppliers, we are constrained to humbly appeal for you kind indulgence for corrective action as we fear that said marketing strategy may normalize voting and/or the rampant distribution of money during elections,” Garcia said in a Mar. 17 letter to NBS President Adrian Ramos.

“We do not wish to interfere on how National Book Store conducts its business, but we also worry hat impressionable children and minors who frequent you stores may be led to believe that the illegal practice of vote buying is societally condoned,” Garcia added.

Attached to the Comelec chief’s letter are photos taken at an NBS branch in Metro Manila of boxes containing brown-colored coin envelopes and red-colored money envelopes known in Filipino as “ampaw.”

Above the merchandise is a sign that reads: “Election Materials Essentials For as Low as P15.”

‘No malice’ intended

In a letter responding to Garcia dated Mar. 19, Ramos said the pullout of the money envelopes under the label “election materials essentials” has been “coordinated and cascaded in all our National Book Store branches nationwide in deference to your request.”

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“While we understand and appreciate your point that small money/coin envelopes might be used in illegal activities such as vote-buying during election season, we assure your good office that there was no malice or any ill intention on our part to attribute the marketing and use of the said envelopes to vote-buying,” Ramos said.

Garcia, in a reply sent on Friday, told Ramos that the Comelec “truly appreciate[s] your swift and decisive action on the pullout of the money envelopes as ‘election materials essentials.'”

“We also take kind notice of your assurance that there was no malice or any ill intention of the part of the National Book Store in the marketing and use of said envelopes. We are glad to have found in your good corporation a partner for safe, honest and credible elections,” the chair said.

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