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CEU students clinch victory in UNESCO Youth Hackathon 2023 with Innovative Media Information Literacy App
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CEU students clinch victory in UNESCO Youth Hackathon 2023 with Innovative Media Information Literacy App


In a triumph of innovation and collaboration, a group of students from Centro Escolar University (CEU) was hailed champion in the UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) Youth Hackathon 2023.

Team AGOS Philippines (Achieving Global Oneness through Synergy), comprising CEU Manila’s Marie Francheska Hermosa, taking Bachelor of Arts in Communication and Media with 21 units of Education; CEU Malolos’ Charlene Grace Macapagal, also taking Bachelor of Arts in Communication and Media; CEU Makati’s Alexene Faith Tomate, Computer Science major; and alongside peers from LPU-Cavite and UST, outperformed 95 groups from 40 countries worldwide with their groundbreaking mobile application prototype, “MILES” (Media Information Literacy Empowerment Space). Under the guidance of Jose Cris Sotto, a dedicated faculty member from CEU Malolos, Team AGOS harnessed their collective expertise to develop MILES.

“The coexisting problems of a significant lack of media and information literacy abilities, poorly designed educational programs and the underrepresentation of marginalized youth in digital spaces jointly contribute to the recurrence of misinformation, disinformation and inequality,” said Charlene Grace in their AGOS video pitch.

The mobile application features entertaining bite-sized tools that will teach the user of MIL basics. There are also mini games that will test one’s MIL skills. The user can also join communities, create projects and participate on events to further his knowledge in MIL. Each month, an empowered community of marginalized youth will be featured to delve into their values, advocacies, and challenges in holding fundraising, exciting events, and many more.

“Our team wants to share the power of having a safe space in the community application. That’s why we introduced MILES. It is a digital platform that advocates filling the gaps of the educational system of the youth, and diminishing marginalized youth sectors,” Charlene Grace added.

The Team AGOS Philippines has already worked on the Feasibility, Sustainability, and Business Model to sustain the app. They plan to launch MILES in both Apple Store and Google Play by the 3rd quarter of 2024.

The UNESCO Youth Hackathon, a global competition promoting media and information literacy (MIL), witnessed the convergence of diverse talents, ideas, and technological prowess. Team AGOS Philippines, representing Escolarians from different CEU campuses, demonstrated exceptional skill and creativity in addressing the challenges of the digital age. “MILES” serves as a beacon for promoting media literacy, a crucial skill in navigating the complex landscape of information in today’s digital era.

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The journey for Team AGOS did not end with their victory. Two students from the team, one of which is Charlene Grace who was given the honor to represent the Philippines in Paris for the Global MIL Week 2023. This international platform has provided the students an opportunity to present their innovative work, share insights, and engage with like-minded individuals from around the world.

As the CEU community celebrates this remarkable achievement, it reinforces the university’s role in shaping the next generation of leaders and innovators.

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