Gospel: April 14, 2024

3rd Sunday of Easter
Psalter: Week 3 / (White)
Responsorial Psalm: Ps 4: 2, 4, 7-8, 9
Lord, let your face shine on us.
1st Reading: Acts 3: 13-15, 17-19
2nd Reading: 1 John 2: 1-5a
Gospel: Luke 24: 35-48
Then the two told what had happened on the road to Emmaus, and how Jesus had made himself known, when he broke bread with them.
While they were still talking about this, Jesus himself stood in their midst. (He said to them, “Peace to you.”) In their panic and fright they thought they were seeing a ghost, but he said to them, “Why are you upset, and how does such an idea cross your minds? Look at my hands and feet, and see that it is I myself! Touch me, and see for yourselves, for a ghost has no flesh and bones as I have!” (As he said this, he showed his hands and feet.)
Their joy was so great that they still could not believe it, as they were astonished; so he said to them, “Have you anything to eat?” And they gave him a piece of broiled fish. He took it, and ate it before them.
Then Jesus said to them, “Remember the words I spoke to you when I was still with you: Everything written about me in the Law of Moses, in the Prophets and in the Psalms must be fulfilled.” Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures.
And he said, “So it was written: the Messiah had to suffer, and on the third day rise from the dead. Then repentance and forgiveness in his name would be proclaimed to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem. And you are witnesses of these things.
Lectio Divina
Read: The two disciples who encountered the risen Christ on their way to Emmaus joined the other disciples. Jesus appeared in their midst. The disciples were afraid and thought they were seeing a ghost. Jesus showed them his hands and feet, explaining that a ghost does not have flesh and bones. The disciples were overjoyed yet could not fully believe due to their astonishment. Jesus asked for something to eat. They gave him a piece of broiled fish. He ate it before their very eyes. Then Jesus reminded them of what he told them about the Messiah, the preaching of repentance and of the witnessing by the disciples.
Reflect: Jesus glorified body has flesh and bones. This conveys that the reality of the resurrection is far more than what we can imagine. What appears very interesting in today’s Gospel is that it narrates that the risen Christ ate a piece of broiled fish. This entails that Jesus’ glorified body was nourished by a piece of broiled fish. A more profound implication is that the gift of the natural world will be part of the world to come. It is worth reflecting that creation is included in God’s salvific plan and act. There is more in the reality of the resurrection than just seeing a ghost. We believe that we shall have glorified bodies in a whole new world.
Pray: Let us pray for the ecological conversion of everyone.
Act: Let us do one concrete action for the care of our common home.