Now Reading
Gospel: January 8, 2025
Dark Light

Gospel: January 8, 2025


January 8, 2025 (Wednesday)

Wednesday After Epiphany 

Psalter: Week 2 / (White)

Ps 72:1-2, 10, 12-13

Lord, every nation on earth will adore you.

1st Reading: 1 John 4:11-18

Gospel: Mk 6:45-52

Immediately, Jesus obliged his disciples to get into the boat and go ahead of him to the other side, toward Bethsaida, while he himself sent the crowd away. And having sent the people off, he went by himself to the hillside to pray.

When evening came, the boat was far out on the lake, while he was alone the land. Jesus saw his disciples straining at the oars, for the wind was against them; and before daybreak he came to them, walking on the lake, and he was going to pass them by.

See Also

When they saw him walking on the lake, they thought it was a ghost and cried out; for they all saw him and were terrified. But, at once, he called to them, “ Courage! It is I; don’t be afraid!” Then Jesus got into the boat with them, and the wind died down. They were completely astonished, for they had not really grasped the fact of the loaves; their minds were dull.


“Don’t be afraid.” 

In today’s Gospel we find the disciples in the boat at night, struggling against the wind. Jesus has gone to the hillside to be alone, and so perhaps in their efforts they begin to feel abandoned. What a contrast when Christ joins them in the boat! The wind is calm, the burden of rowing is now light. It is only by the miracle of the walking on the water that the disciples begin to understand by what power Christ has fed the crowd. Like the disciples, our minds can be “dull” to the power of Jesus in our lives. In the dark and tough times, we can feel as if we are battling against the wind on our own, while Jesus seems to be silent, far away. But Christ is never far from us. He is always watching over us, always interceding for us, even when we can’t feel his presence. On the hillside, Jesus was alone in prayer to his Father, but he never stopped praying for his disciples. Now in his risen glory, Jesus continues to pray for us that we be kept safe in God’s Name (Jn 17:9-11). And so, he says, “Courage! It is I; don’t be afraid!”

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