Now Reading
Gospel: July 31, 2024
Dark Light

Gospel: July 31, 2024


17th Week in Ordinary Time

Psalter: Week 1 / (White)

St. Ignatius of Loyola, priest

Responsorial Psalm: Ps 59: 2-3, 4, 10-12, 17, 18

God is my refuge in the day of distress.

1st Reading: Jeremiah 15: 10, 16-21

Woe is me, Mother, why did you bring me to the light? A man of dissension throughout the land! I owe them nothing, neither do they owe me, yet they all curse me!

I devoured your words when they came.

They were my happiness and I felt full of joy when you made your name rest on me.

I never associate with worldly people, amusing myself with scoffers!

When your hand was upon me, I stood apart and you filled me with your anger.

Why is there no end to my sorrow or healing for my wound?

Why do you deceive me, and why does my spring suddenly dry up?

Then Yahweh spoke to me, “If you return, I will take you back and you will serve me again.

Draw the gold from the dross and you will be as my own mouth.

You must draw them to you and not go over to them and a wall of bronze facing them; if they fight against you, they will not overcome you; I will make you a fortress

See Also

I am with you to free you and save you.

I will redeem you from the wicked and free you from the hands of tyrants.”

Gospel: Matthew 13: 44-46

The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure, hidden in a field. The one who finds it, buries it again; and so happy is he, that he goes and sells everything he has, in order to buy that field.

Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a trader, who is looking for fine pearls. Once he has found a pearl of exceptional quality, he goes away, sells everything he has and buys it.


“Our true treasure”

Today we continue with two more parables: the parable of the hidden treasure (cf. vv. 44) and the parable of the precious pearl (cf. v. 45-46). These two parables belong to the group of three parables found in Matthew 13:44-50. Jesus used parables to describe the kingdom of heaven. Today’s Gospel teaches that God’s kingdom is our true treasure. Today’s first parable tells of the hidden treasure which a man found in the field. The man buried it again, sold all that he had and bought that field.

The second parable tells of the pearl of great value which a merchant found. Upon finding it, he sold everything he had in order to buy the pearl. We may reflect on the point that all of us are in search of God. There are times when we are able to find God. However, we are not able to deepen our relationship with him because of the things we could not yet give up like the vices to which we are too attached. If we really want to enter into God’s kingdom, we should be ready to do everything or give up the things that are contrary to the values of God’s kingdom.

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