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Gospel: October 2, 2024
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Gospel: October 2, 2024



26th Week in Ordinary Time

Psalter: Week 2 / (White)

The Holy Guardian Angels

Responsorial Psalm: Ps 88: 10bc-11, 12-13, 14-15

Let my prayer come before you, Lord.

1st Reading: Job 9: 1-12, 14-16

Gospel: Matthew 18: 1-5, 10

At that time, the disciples came to Jesus and asked him, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?”

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Then Jesus called a little child, set the child in the midst of the disciples, and said, “I assure you that unless you change and become like little children, you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever becomes lowly like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven, and whoever receives such a child in my name receives me.

See that you do not despise any of these little ones, for I tell you: their angels in heaven continually see the face of my heavenly Father.

Reflection: “The way of a child”

One of the beautiful prayers we may have learned during our childhood is the prayer to our guardian angels. The prayer appears to be so simple yet conveys the profound message of trust and docility. Today we commemorate our guardian angels. Today’s Gospel tells of Jesus teaching his disciples the lesson about true greatness. The way to enter the heavenly kingdom is through the way of a child. Thus, Jesus cautions us not to despise a child for if we receive a child in Jesus’ name, it is Jesus himself whom we receive. We become great in the heavenly kingdom when we emulate the humility of a child—the child’s trusting and docile attitude. Children must have known by heart their need of God’s protection. God’s holy angels are always ready to protect us. Additionally, we believe that because of the children’s trusting and docile attitude, God’s angels remain ever watchful of them and ever responsive to their needs, speedily protecting them from any harm and danger. We constantly pray to our guardian angels as we live up to the challenge of growing in trust and docility.

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