House bill seeks benefits for volunteer firefighters

Lawmakers from the Cordillera region are pushing for a measure that will provide special perks, benefits and medical aid to volunteer forest firefighters.
In House Bill (HB) No. 10265 or the proposed “Forest Fire Responders Act” Kalinga Rep. Allen Jesse Mangaoang and Mt. Province Rep. Maximo Dalog Jr. noted that there were only 36,000 firefighters of the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) while out of 1,485 towns, 123 municipalities were without fire trucks and stations.
From January to early March, the BFP recorded 86 forest fires in the Cordillera region. The lawmakers said the bill was aimed at acknowledging “the selfless contribution of forest fire responders as force multiplier in the abatement of forest fires.”
Under HB 10265, forest fire responders will receive at least P1,000 for each day they render assistance, with the money to be taken from the local government’s quick response or risk reduction and management funds. They can also avail of free medical assistance, including medicine, consultation, hospitalization from any government medical facility. The bill also provides for financial aid for those who suffer disabilities or die in the line of duty. —JEANNETTE I. ANDRADE