Imus diocese holds workshops ahead of 2026 synod on reforms

At least 120 members of the clergy, religious and seminarians, together with some 70 lay leaders, in the Diocese of Imus are expected to attend a series of conference-workshops to discuss Pope Francis’ reforms and synodal implementation in preparation for the diocesan synod set in the latter part of 2026.
The diocese, which has jurisdiction over Cavite province, will sponsor the conference-workshops on Jan. 14, Feb. 6 and March 6. The event will be held at the Sisters of Mary Girlstown – Biga campus in Silang, Cavite.
The Love Our Pope Movement will facilitate the event, with the group’s conveners—Catholic scholar Dr. Jose Mario Maximiano, former Commission on Elections Commissioner Rene Sarmiento and actress-comedienne Candy Pangilinan—speaking in the conference-workshops.
Citing the program for the event, Chris Julius Conjurado, a lay pastoral worker in the diocese involved in the event, said the topics include a history of Church reforms, understanding the Final Document of the Synod of Bishops of Synodality issued last October, and its implementation in local churches.
“The conference aims to give a background on Church reforms and synodality, which is one of the major reforms now, while in the workshop they (participants) will see how the final document will be implemented and hopefully they will be able to see the synodal process so that when they attend the diocesan synod next year, it will would be easier for them to know what to do,” Conjurado told the Inquirer in a phone interview.
Yearlong preparation
In October last year, the Diocese Lay Formation Office and the Diocese of Imus Biblical Apostolate also hosted in Tagaytay City a lay formation conference attended by more than 100 participants from various Cavite parishes as part of the preparations for the 2026 synod.
Imus Bishop Reynaldo Evangelista formally announced the holding of the 2026 synod in a pastoral statement he issued in February 2024.
The prelate said synodal consultations would be held in the diocese’s episcopal districts in the next two years. He also announced the creation of the ad hoc committee on the first Diocesan Synod under Vicar-General Fr. Reuel Castaneda.
Synodality was the theme of the 16th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, which concluded at the Vatican City last Oct. 27.
The final document defines synodality as “a path of spiritual renewal and structural reform that enables the Church to be more participatory and missionary, so that it can walk with every man and woman, radiating the light of Christ.”