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Inquirer warns vs bogus ‘Notice to the Public’ emails
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Inquirer warns vs bogus ‘Notice to the Public’ emails


The Philippine Daily Inquirer (PDI) and disclaim any connection to the fraudulent messages sent via e-mail telling individuals and companies that they will supposedly appear in a “Notice to the Public” ad.

The messages went as far as to use the names of Inquirer executives, giving false email and office addresses.

The company would like to emphasize that these messages are not legitimate and that its advertising transactions, including payments, are done only through official channels by authorized representatives.

Threatening anyone with negative publicity also runs counter to its values and culture.

The Inquirer warns the public against activities that misrepresent the company, and has taken steps to alert authorities about this matter.

See Also

It joins the call for heightened vigilance against scams and for added caution and thorough verification when encountering online material that makes any claim, offer or threat.

Suspicious messages claiming to be from PDI or may be reported to

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