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Israelis to summon envoys of countries that voted for Palestinian UN membership
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Israelis to summon envoys of countries that voted for Palestinian UN membership


JERUSALEM—Israel will summon ambassadors of countries that voted for full Palestinian United Nations membership “for a protest talk” on Sunday, a foreign ministry spokesperson said.

It came after the Palestinian Authority said it would “reconsider” its relationship with the United States after Washington vetoed the Palestinian membership bid earlier this week.Thursday’s vote saw 12 countries on the UN Security Council back a resolution recommending full Palestinian membership and two—Britain and Switzerland—abstain.

Only the United States, Israel’s staunchest ally, voted against, using its veto to block the resolution.

On Saturday, Israeli foreign ministry spokesperson Oren Marmorstein said the ministry “will summon for a protest talk the ambassadors of the countries that voted in the Security Council in favor of upgrading the status of the Palestinians in the UN.”

France, et al.

“The ambassadors of France, Japan, South Korea, Malta, the Slovak Republic and Ecuador will be summoned tomorrow for a demarche, and a strong protest will be presented to them,” he said in a post on X.

“An identical protest will be presented to additional countries,” he said.

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“The unambiguous message that will be delivered to the ambassadors: A political gesture to the Palestinians and a call to recognize a Palestinian state—six months after the Oct.7 massacre—is a prize for terrorism.”

The draft resolution called for recommending to the General Assembly “that the State of Palestine be admitted to membership of the United Nations” in place of its current “nonmember observer state” status, which it has held since 2012.

The majority of the UN’s 193 member states—137, according to a Palestinian count—have recognized a Palestinian state. —AFP

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