LTO tallies 639,323 apprehensions

A total of 639,323 motorists were apprehended for various violations in 2024, a 20.75 percent increase compared to 2023, the Land Transportation Office (LTO) disclosed on Friday.
In a statement, LTO chief Vigor Mendoza II attributed the increase in the number of apprehended motorists to the implementation of “new strategies” for the strict enforcement of road safety rules and regulations.
He also cited the “intensified visibility” of the agency’s enforcers, in coordination with the Philippine National Police and the local governments.
The LTO Calabarzon regional office reported the greatest number of apprehended drivers with 109,159, a 144.1 percent increase compared to the 44,7171 in 2023.
Mendoza said a total of 29,709 motor vehicles were impounded in 2024.
He said the 2024 apprehensions reflected a 21.93 percent increase compared to 24,366 motor vehicles impounded in 2023.