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MMDA to sue SUV driver in viral video


The Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) will file attempted homicide and direct assault charges against the driver of a sport utility vehicle (SUV) who was caught on video trying to shake off a traffic enforcer clinging to the hood.

“We will file criminal complaints against the driver because our enforcer’s life was put at risk. Imagine what would have happened if he had fallen and hit his head or got run over by another vehicle; that would lead to injury or even death,” MMDA acting Chair Romando Artes said at a press conference on Thursday.

The traffic enforcer, Allan Sadiua, also told reporters he wanted the SUV driver, whose identity was withheld by the MMDA, to go to jail even though, earlier in the day, the latter went to the MMDA and apologized for his actions.

Traffic enforcer’s side

Based on the Southern Police District’s traffic accident investigation report, the SUV driver drove off after sideswiping a motorcycle taxi on Sales Road on Tuesday morning. Sadiua, who witnessed the accident while manning traffic flow in the area, gave chase and caught up with the SUV after it was caught in traffic on Sales Bridge. He said he stood in front of the vehicle to prevent the driver from escaping, but it suddenly moved forward and bumped him several times.

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“I felt at the time that he would run me over so I held on to the hood of the vehicle,” Sadiua said. He recalled that while holding on to the hood of the SUV, its driver tried to shake him off by zigzagging.

Sadiua said he was able to jump off the vehicle when it slowed down near the Villamor Air Base golf course due to heavy traffic. INQ

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