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Presenting the Inquirer ESG Impact Awards 2025—now accepting entries
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Presenting the Inquirer ESG Impact Awards 2025—now accepting entries

Philippine Daily Inquirer

The newly launched Inquirer ESG Edge Impact Awards 2025 is now accepting entries from companies leading the way in environmental, social, and governance (ESG) excellence in the Philippines.

This prestigious program honors outstanding corporate initiatives that drive sustainability and social responsibility. Winners of the Inquirer ESG Edge Impact Awards 2025 will gain national recognition and advance to compete in the Asia ESG Positive Impact Awards 2025 in Malaysia, further amplifying their impact on the global stage.

The Inquirer Group of Companies has joined forces with two other regional media powerhouses, Malaysia’s Star Media Group and Indonesia’s Media Group of Kompas Gramedia, to form the Asia ESG Positive Impact Consortium (A-EPIC), the first of its kind in Asia.

The consortium aims to promote progressive environmental, socioeconomic, and governance commitments for future prosperity across the region. The ESG Awards is a collaboration of the consortium to recognize and celebrate leaders and companies who drive impactful change.

The awards are presented to top businesses based on their innovative and impactful ESG campaigns. Companies will be evaluated by an independent panel of judges based on criteria aligned with the three ESG pillars: Environment, Social, Governance. Other ESG innovations may also be considered.


Environment categories

Sustainable Ecosystems/Biodiversity Conservation: Recognizes efforts in conserving or rehabilitating natural ecosystems and wildlife

Water Management and Efficiency: Innovations in water conservation, efficiency, and pollution reduction (PH awards only, will not advance to Asia ESG Impact Awards 2025)

Waste Management, Responsible Consumption and Production: Projects promoting waste reduction, recycling, and sustainable production

Renewable Energy (RE): Companies shifting to RE and related innovations

Energy Efficiency: Innovative energy-saving solutions

Social categories

Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI): Workplace initiatives that reduce discrimination and improve inclusivity

Relations with Local Communities: Positive engagement with and support for local communities, including indigenous groups

Human Rights and Labor Standards/Labor Rights: Companies promoting human rights across their supply chain (PH awards only, will not advance to Asia ESG Impact Awards 2025)

Talent Management/Learning & Development: Organizations fostering employee growth and well-being

Good Health and Well-being: Projects promoting occupational and public health

Governance category

Governance, Reporting & Transparency: Companies with effective corporate governance, sustainability tracking, and transparency (PH awards only, will not advance to Asia ESG Impact Awards 2025)

Other ESG categories

Sustainable supply chain management: Recognizes improvements in ESG-aligned supply chains

Innovative partnership: Impactful multisectoral collaborations that address ESG priorities

Transformation: Businesses that have significantly improved their sustainability performance over time

See Also

Award tiers, eligibility

Tier 1: Publicly listed companies (PLCs) and large companies (revenue of P10 billion and above)

Tier 2: MSMEs (revenue of less than P10 billion)

A total of 56 awards (gold and silver) will be presented across 14 categories, along with two Most Outstanding ESG Project awards to be given per tier.

Eligible companies must be duly registered in the Philippines, have valid business permits, and provide audited financial statements for the past three years. Entries must demonstrate proven impact, be relevant to the chosen category, and include comprehensive project documentation.

Entry rates

Regular Rate: P24,000

Early Bird Rate: P19,000 (Feb. 19 – March 19, 2025)

Application Deadline: May 2025

How to participate

Visit to register and submit your application. For inquiries, email

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