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Prince Harry told to pay newspaper legal fees in libel case
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Prince Harry told to pay newspaper legal fees in libel case


LONDON—A judge in London on Monday ordered Prince Harry to pay the legal fees of a British newspaper publisher after he lost part of a High Court libel case.

King Charles III’s younger son is suing Associated Newspapers Ltd. (ANL) over claims made in its Mail on Sunday title.

He unsuccessfully tried to have the newspaper group’s defense of “honest opinion” thrown out.

Judge Matthew Nicklin on Monday ordered Harry to pay ANL £48,447 ($60,850) costs incurred dealing with the application by Dec. 29.

He also said a full hearing in the case would be heard between May and July next year, lasting three or four days.

UK securityHarry is suing over a February 2022 article about his legal challenge against the government’s changes to his taxpayer-funded security when he visits the UK.

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His lawyers argue that the article was “an attack on his honesty and integrity.”

The publisher disagrees, and has submitted that the article was an “honest opinion” that did not damage his reputation. —AFP

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