Swiss newspaper uncovers abuse in breakaway Catholic group

GENEVA—Sexual, psychological and physical violence has taken place in several countries within the ultraconservative Society of Saint Pius X, Swiss newspaper Le Temps reported on Saturday after a monthslong investigation into the breakaway Catholic group.The society “cannot escape accusations of control, sexual violence and a cult of secrecy,” the newspaper wrote, with one victim support group reporting around 60 “problematic priests.”
The Society of Saint Pius X is a group of fundamentalist Catholics that strongly opposes the liberal reforms of the Catholic Church imposed by the Vatican II Council in the 1960s.
The society says it is present in more than 60 countries across six continents, with 590 priests and nearly half a million faithful.
Le Temps devoted the first six pages of its Saturday edition to its investigation.
It said its reporters had been given more than 20 internal documents, including letters signed by top officials and extracts from internal investigations.
“Our analysis shows that the violence took place in all four corners of Europe and the world, from the foundation—or thereabouts—of the fraternity and until 2020,” it said.
The violence was “sexual, but also psychological and physical.”
‘Protect the firm’
The brotherhood was founded by the controversial French bishop Marcel Lefebvre in 1970. Its headquarters are in Switzerland outside Menzingen, a village in the Zug canton south of Zurich.
Le Temps said the society has 160 priories and 120 schools located around the world.
It spoke to parents, abused former pupils and victim support groups in France, Belgium and Switzerland and recounted court cases where perpetrators were sentenced.
“The fraternity has certainly sought to protect potential new victims by incapacitating its priests. But it also did it to protect itself, according to the vast majority of our witnesses,” the newspaper said.
“Their functioning in a vacuum even tends in their favor, and the institution would do everything to protect the firm.”
Le Temps said the society refused to answer its questions, as it does with all media queries on the subject of clerical abuse.
‘Pleasure in causing harm’
Francois de Riedmatten, 41, from Sion in Valais, southwest Switzerland, grew up in the society.
The beatings started for him at Fleurs de Mai, the fraternity’s primary school in central Valais, he said.
“We were beaten in front of others, with sticks and with our trousers down,” he recalled.
Aged 8, he was then sent to the fraternity’s La Peraudiere boarding school in France.
He told the paper of abuse by a lay supervisor, recounting sexual assaults after showering. Furthermore, “he would beat the hell out of me and give me kisses straight afterwards.”
With the statute of limitations ruling out any legal recourse, De Riedmatten drove to La Peraudiere in 2015 to confront his “sadistic” supervisor.“I calmly told him that his life must have been horrible to have caused so much harm. I felt that the shame had changed sides,” he said.
Contacted by Le Temps, La Peraudiere’s current director said he was “stunned and revolted” by the testimony and indicated that the alleged abuser was no longer on the staff. —AFP

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