Christmas goes on

In every wedding mass, just before the final blessing, I usually surprise the couple with the question: “So, who is going to make the coffee tomorrow morning?” to make them realize that after the wedding ceremony is over, the reality of their marriage vows must now begin, so that they grow together.
Today is the Solemnity of the Baptism of our Lord. Jesus who was born on Christmas, received baptism from John, and finally starts publicly to carry out His mission for the salvation of us all. May we, who were initiated to our Christian life, carry out whatever mission is given to us to help build up the Kingdom of God.
Today is the last day of the Christmas season. Tomorrow, we go back to “ordinary time.” The Christmas decorations will be dismantled, but Christmas, the spirit of Christmas, should not end. Just as Jesus was initiated in His mission with His baptism, we, too, must go on to carry out our baptismal vows to renounce Satan and sin, and to follow the Lord in spreading hope, peace, joy, and love. As the song says: “May the spirit of Christmas be always in our hearts”!
Speaking of decorations, let us allow the Lord to ask us today: “My child, am I just a decoration to you?; Am I just someone for display, and someone you conveniently put away when the temptations of power, money, and pleasures come your way?; Am I just an after-thought, a fallback, an incidental replacement? Am I someone you just talk about, but someone you hardly talk with?”
There are people who do “Christmas things” the whole year through. In other words, Christmas for them is not just a day or a season, but an orientation, an everyday mission. Yes, may we continue to find God, and proclaim Him in the most ordinary, simple, spontaneous moments of our life.
“Thou shall not steal.” Just to remind us all that this commandment is still valid and should be enforced. The way fake news is increasing in social media, and all kinds of scam and hacking, and how the money of our people are being stolen blatantly by shameless politicians! May we all together proclaim that we are vigilant, and we will stand for what is good, right, and just. Let us not allow the darkness of sin and the night of unbelief to dominate and imprison us!
“One mightier than I is coming” (Mark 1:7). For those who think they can fool, manipulate, and disrespect everyone, and for those who have become so drunk with worldly treasures and power, beware, be afraid, be very afraid, for one mightier than you knows it all, sees it all, and will eventually settle the score.
For those who continue to follow the path of righteousness and humility, do not lose heart nor be afraid, let us take comfort in God’s word: “Do not fear for I am with you; do not be dismayed for I am your God; I will strengthen you and help you.” (Isaiah 41:10)
Forest fires are raging, the cost of living is rising, violence and wars are erupting, the prevalence of negativities is very disturbing. Through it all, let us reflect and be consoled with the “Nada te Turbi” prayer of St. Therese of Avila: “Let nothing disturb you; let nothing frighten you; all things are passing; God never changes; patience obtains everything; he who has God lacks nothing; God alone suffices.”
“You are my beloved son in whom I am well pleased” (Mark 1:11). Every time I read this passage, I humbly pray: “Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner!” None of us can truly please God. We can give up on ourselves, but God never gives up on us who keep trying, who keep on hoping. Pilgrims of hope!
Today, as we celebrate the Baptism of our Lord, let us remember with gratitude our parents who gave us the gift of faith with our baptism, and all the people who helped us grow in our faith. We remember, too, our family members, as well as friends who continue to journey with us to God’s heart. Thank you! One with you, fellow pilgrims of hope.
A moment with the Lord: Lord, remind us that Christmas is not just a day or a season, but a mission that goes on and on. Amen.