
Question: What do we say to the Lord when Ash Wednesday (cross day) and Valentine’s Day (hearts day) fall on the same day?
Answer: Lord, cross my heart, and heart my cross. Heart my cross, and cross my heart!
Ash Wednesday is the day of penance, repentance, and cleansing. In today’s Gospel (Mark 1: 40-45), Jesus cleansed many people who were sick physically and spiritually. May we be open to healing and cleansing, especially in the season of Lent. Below are some suggestions on how we can be cleansed and made clean.
CONFESSION. If we humbly acknowledge our sins and ask for forgiveness, we open ourselves to cleansing. A humble and contrite heart, the Lord will not spurn! When was the last time you made a good confession? Don’t stay away from the Lord too far, too long. He is just a prayer away.
LOVE AGAIN. We are cleansed when we let go of sin and hold on to God’s love. Sin makes us unhappy. Sin makes us hold on to selfishness and greed. Freed from sin, we can love God again, and we can reach out to others again. Freed from sin, we can truly live and love again.
EXTRA SACRIFICE. There can be no true love without sacrifice. It is the road of the cross that sets us free from our vices, self-centeredness, and comfort zones. Sacrifice makes us open to God’s presence, forgiveness, and love. Fasting, mortification, and discipline attune us to God’s Spirit.
“NO” TO SIN. “I firmly resolve, with the help of your grace, to confess my sins, to do penance and to amend my life. Amen” (Act of Contrition). Sin is always there. It is up to us, by God’s grace, to let go of things and people that cause us to sin, and displease God. Daily, we decide to avoid sin, stay clean, and continue our journey to God’s heart.—————-My cancer journey in 2018 was a big cleansing moment for me. Times of sickness are tremendous times of grace. Sickness is a humbling experience, a learning experience that teaches us to trust God more. It is in those quiet, silent, and hidden moments that we feel God’s embrace. “Come, I will lead you into solitude, and there, I will speak tenderly to your heart” (Hosea 2:14).
For those who are going through illness or any difficult situation, remember, the Lord is the greatest Healer, the greatest Restorer. Sickness is a blessing, a gift that purifies us. Stay focused on the Lord as you go through the “valley of tears,” and hold on to His promises: “But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds” (Jeremiah 30:17).—————-For those of us who have been healed, who have been forgiven, let us remember that God gave us this “extension,” to change our ways. The rest of our lives, the best of our lives! Let us not waste this “grace period” given to us. May we become a better person, be closer to God, and be more focused on our mission.—————-Feb. 11 is the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. It is also the World Day of the Sick. We pray for the sick, and for all who treat and care for the sick. May Mama Mary be our constant companion and guide. Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us!
With great joy, we announced the ordination of five new SVD missionary priests yesterday at the Divine Word Seminary, Tagaytay City: Fr. Arjie Ducayag (to Japan); Fr. Edbelwin Jiah Manda (to north Philippines); Fr. Karl Cabanalan (to Mozambique); Fr. Carlo Salidaga (to Papua New Guinea); Fr. Godfrey Bondoc (to Colombia). To God be the Glory!
A moment with the Lord.Lord, cleanse us, and help us to stay clean. Amen.